what is going on with these restaurants ???
what is going on with these restaurants ???
seriously he should seek therapy ..not in a hes crazy type of way but in a you need to work these issues out. The fact that he even remembers this convo from 13 years of age suggest to me that it impacting him deeply and perhaps its the opposite of what he is thinking. perhaps that comment affected his perception of…
another article i read about his statement said the girl was mixed so theres that ..me no know
ooohh this looks so interesting and good.. i want to know about the world without books (though as an avid reader thats scarier than any sci fi to me lol) I love Michael Shannon he plays tortured and evil so well
I would love to see this if placed in the right hands. I dont read comics so Im not sure if this is explained, but in tv form this would be perfect. We could see season 1 episode 1 & 2 from before the meteor so we see how things were, episode 3 meteor strikes, episode 4 immediate aftermath of meteor strike, rest of…
every state and even city/district does it different so I have no clue about WV, in LA if you work for LAUSD highschool or elementary its the same pay scale because its the same district. But i know some neighboring smaller cities, their elementary and highschools are literally split up and run as two completely…
im glad these teachers are standing up for themselves.. i read another article where it stated that the average pay for WV teachers was 45K .. i make less than that...in LOS ANGELES!!! at a public charter school.. I only wish we would all come together at my school and protest. I make more than the others ... Yes, i…
oh the irony ..they literally have no shame
Im not going to watch but reading it says Kardashian West against Kardashian Jenners. there are many kardashian or jenner on one side who is on the kardashian west side besides her and kanye i wonder
the thing is ..he is also a liar who cant keep straight the bs he is trying to present..how in one breath you gon’ say people dont know our RELATIONSHIP from a 5 minute video then in the same breath mere minutes later say we were never together..huh? what does a relationship mean then? then when they cut to former…
Im a teacher and had basically the same thought.. this is horrible idea in that every.single.day there is a kid trying some teacher. Hitting, kicking etc. all it takes it one moment of I have enough or “im in fear of my life” and boom a kid is dead. One extremely bad day and theyre gone. Not to mention all the other…
5th person ..ive never heard the album..i would have guessed off humble and damn but im dont know if damn is the album or a single but i know its associated with lamar.. im black btw
mannnnn i was going to read the letter till i found out it was 15 pages.. yeah the audacity..how you gonna say some ELSE is tainting your name when you are a MURDERER!! like sir!! you had your bm killed and disfigured your son for life and have the nerve to complain about your name.. AND want a relationship with him…
I saw it a neighborhood that is mixed as far as living, but the entertainment venues in the area are known as “black spots” but everyone in my theater save for maybe 5 ( i actually only saw with my eyeballs 2 white people but im rounding up bc i could have missed them) and I was expecting this kind of theater in the…
It came from Reagan during his campaign in 1976 when he was running he started talking about this “welfare queen” this is when it got majorly introduced into the lexicon and started talking about she drove a cadillac, had multiple names etc. and Reagan himself got it from some “expose” article in a chicago newspaper…
wow i cant wait to see this
i started my whole thing with IF THIS GOES THROUGH.. i know im asking too much, but clearly you need a reminder. Its called inference.. if you had inferred and read properly you would have seen I in no way advocated for this change. In fact my major point, hence by starting my paragraph with IF THIS GOES THROUGH, was…
wow i didnt even recognize Ejiofor ..they did a good job.. I have never heard this story or heard of this man... I was a young kid in the 90s so im not surprised but this seems very interesting just reading this... i cant wait for the movie to learn more.
i went and looked this up because of this comment.. i agree
if this does go through ..i know im asking too much but how about a government website including fresh fruits and vegetables and people can sort of grocery shop online. They can pick what goes into their box each month. While the selections will no doubt be limited at least folks wont receive rice if they dont eat it…