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    At this rate Bill Cosby will be dead before this final and nobody going to get anything. He is already in poor health and the trial date hasnt been set yet for the mistrial. There are other suits as this article says and this date is more than a year away, thats crazy. Why so far away?

    this is literally the plot of a movie i wish i could remember the name and circumstances but all i remember is them..wait now i sort of remember as i type i think it was a tv show..the golden girls. And some people dressed as nuns approached them in a mall, someone else took out their own money to prove they could

    but a black lady already did this it was a year or two ago ..down in texas and tbh that was the first time i ever even heard of something like this

    i want to watch this show soooo bad but i dont have Starz :(

    im not saying this isnt true but this is very different from my experience. in fact that complete opposite. I too live in Los Angeles. I lived in the mid city area my entire life. Mid City has been and is rapidly gentrying but before it has always been diverse neighborhood. i would say a mix of everybody with maybe

    question not being shady in any way i really want to know how does a church from 1903 end up with a 4mil mortgage. When the original land or church was bought wouldnt from 1903 to now that mortgage have been paid off? is this from taking out loans against it. Im very confused. again not being shady truly want to know

    Have to agree with you on this. Because of the heavy Latino presence all the jobs want bilingual people which eliminates a lot of black people. Its easier said than done to just say well learn spanish. Not to mention latinos hiring only other latinos. I will never forget my grandfather (god rest his soul, he past

    I dont follow a b or c but i guess i follow good people on twitter who have retweeted. The only reason I even recognized this is the distinct yellow background. I thought something had gone viral or it was ads or something as so many (as indicated in the article) have been floating past my timeline the last week I

    i know this is new york and i dont know if it has a similar law, but also in california there is a cut off age that moved up about 15 yrs ago. So if your child is not 5 by sept 1 they cant enter a public school kindergarten. It used to be december. so for example I was born in october but back then I could still enter

    This is absurd not only to compare a sweet little girl to a grown woman is just absurd.. and that cartoonist makes no sense..how is Betsy supposed denial a lack of free speech..how is what Ruby went through a lack of free speech? The parents just wanted a school closer to home and beneficial for their child ..simply