
Ah yes, the “top men” argument. The same anonymous top men who decided to blame North Korea for the Sony hack, right?

You don’t.

Geez, it was a joke on the fact that Apple gouges its users with the high price of adapters.

Shout out to dead Weather Vane blog!

Fuck off, lying scumbag. Shouldn’t you be busy selling your aborted fetus to Planned Parenthood?

Maybe you might want to read the contents of your link instead of just the headline, dipshit. As with pretty much all sensationalist Jezebel garbage, the contents contradict the headline.

No, you didn’t call her dumb, just incoherent, which is just another synonym for dumb.

The question wasn’t whether you LIKE it.

Funding for humanitarian aid is not part of the defense budget, bub. Neither are trade deals.

I work in “corporate finance” is just code for you being a fucking secretary peon. So go fetch somebody’s lunch orders and shut the fuck up.

What role does the US play in the world, pray tell?

So she’s anti-vaxx because she states the fact that most countries don’t have mandatory vaccinations for their residents?

Small set? No, it’s not a small set of overall users. Idiots you know =/= most users.

It’s even cuter that you don’t know the legal definition of bribery.

Funny, because I would rather put more weight on the FBI and DNC’s own IT guys. None of those people have said anything about who did the hack.

Why, so the DNC can say that they didn’t lie to people when they told them that people’s personal info wasn’t hacked?

No, I don’t think they’re regular citizens when they leave voicemails that say because they donated $ y million, they want x done because they ‘bought’ that privilege. It doesn’t make them innocent when they ask what the going rate is for a private dinner with high profile politicians, and those dinners actually

They’re not “innocent”.

They help the voters decide if they still want to support the DNC.

This is as stupid as saying that a vote for X is a vote for Y because then Z won’t win.