
You know, that actually makes perfect sense, then. I’m not sure exactly what you’d call it, but I just got some mail from them the other day, and their letterhead says something to the effect of “providing insurance for our educators”. So I guess their main target customers are teachers, etc., and that would certainly

Jesus, wtf is wrong with those people? Like, you’re not only teaching students (education, obviously, but also social skills and about life), but you are their damn authority figures. How you could do that to the people you’re supposed to be helping to learn and grow, and protect, just is totally beyond me. It’s an

For the majority of articles I’ve read regarding actions by our government lately, I have had to stop and scroll back up to see what website I’m on, because I legitimately thought I’d somehow clicked to The Onion by mistake. It honest to dog reads like an SNL parody about our country, but is actual real life.

Yeah. People do it already (you must have seen or heard of that video of that woman getting harassed for using the women’s restroom, because some random didn’t think she “looked like a woman”?), so I can only imagine what the passing of a law like this would mean.

Jeez, never heard of that. It’s sickening to see what people will do when they know they can get away with it >=[

What is Horace Mann? That’s my insurance company, and now you’ve got me worried...

I’m so disgusted and ashamed that this happened in my home state. CT has been, in general, a decent place to live if you’re a woman, but this is just heartbreaking, and really goes to show what you can get away with in even a liberal state if you have enough money. My thoughts are with all of the students who were

I think it probably depends on where you work, or if you’re a student. The only times I use bathrooms with stalls are at restaurants and some bars, maybe occasionally at the mall, and during the summer when I go to a theme park a lot. Probably a lot more common if you work in retail, at a big corporation, or are in

“dumping out”

No, it will probably just end up with random citizens accosting every person who doesn’t look “womanly” (or “manly”) enough, and demanding they show some proof of their gender, and likely end in the “questionable” person being assaulted at least some of the time. All it does is give bigots an excuse and legal ground

Every time I hear about some jackass refusing to protect from discrimination on the basis of sexual orientation, all I can think is how many weird, possibly gross, maybe even bordering on illegal, kinky af sexual fetishes these tight-assed republicans have themselves. I will bet my right arm that more than a couple of

Umm, that’s not even remotely what I said. What I said was that I’m in support of decriminalizing prostitution, not so much in support of it being legalized. I also said that I feel that way because the government has a history of screwing the underdog and it wouldn’t do anything to help the poor sex workers since

Your male genitals were mutilated. You did not even remotely experience Female Genital Mutilation. Jesus christ, even after so many people have explained to you exactly what the issues are with your statements, you still just don’t fucking get it.

If male circumcision is an issue close to your heart, I’m sure we’d all love to hear your thoughts on it on an article about MGM. Until then, quit co-opting discussions about FGM. Not every discussion is about men, and this is one of them. You are a part of the problem.

Yeah, but the sex traffickers would just get around the licensing issues the same way they get around the laws now =( And I think I’d rather the government not be the ones to decide who’s allowed to engage in business like that - their track record isn’t exactly promising, and would pretty much just leave the poor

So basically legalization lets the government dictate what goes and what doesn’t (an especially bad thing right about now in the U.S), vs decriminalization, which basically means sex workers can’t face legal issues for prostitution. That makes it a no-brainer. I’ll also be more careful to use the correct terms in the

Oh my dog, that is really disgusting. Those poor kids :(

I didn’t realize there was a difference, thanks for the info. I’m still not entirely clear on what the difference is exactly, though. Tell me if I’m getting this right - legalization means prostitution is controlled by the government, and decriminalization means all prostitution type activities are legal? I guess I’m

Very disheartening! Basically the only way to reduce trafficking is to catch the evil fucks who participate in it and lock their asses up. How you could do that to another human being is just completely beyond me.

It’s pretty jarring. Believe it or not, the “so what, he’s a business man” quote I mentioned above actually came from my boyfriend - a 30 year old white, atheist, who isn’t really into politics, but is kind of half conservative, half liberal (i.e. likes guns, also likes abortion). He just didn’t have a clue about half