
Ya gotta love how, even in the case of a virus that affects both males and females, the onus is still more so on the girls than it is the boys. Not only to get the vaccine (seriously, just google HPV and you will find more than one result on the very first page that specifically references women), but for people who

“He looks like he showers fully clothed”

Even if the turnout is the worst in the entire history of the United States, it still won’t be because a hundred people commented on an article they read on the internet.

Oh, my mistake, I misread it as him trying to “steal” her eggs and implant someone else rather than just “take”. Thanks for pointing that out. He definitely still sounds like a douche, though.

Ahh, didn’t even think about you not referring to US law just because this particular article’s about a situation that took place in Colorado. I do agree that that particular definition is clear and does a good job of covering all the bases, however, that’s just for Equal Opportunity Employment - not everything is so

Oof! Anytime I see somebody’s FB that’s like that, I end up with a headache from all the side-eyeing I’m doing.

It’s obviously none of my business, but did your friend have a reason (e.g. a job offer) to move there? Utah is wayyy down on my list of places I’d move to, and it just does not strike me as the happiest place to move to if you’re a gay couple (especially a married one). Or am I not giving UT enough credit?

How often are you making a statement like that without any additional contextual information? For the most part, including the examples you gave, it will be pretty obvious who you’re talking about.

Wait hold up. “You” used to be a plural pronoun?

I can’t even read about those pronouns without thinking about that man/creature/thing, Spivak, from Hemlock Grove, lol

That example conversation is something that literally happens all the time, and I would imagine it happens very frequently to everybody who ever leaves the house or converses with other people. I honestly think using they/them pronouns is infinitely easier than using some of the others I’ve heard on a rare occasion. I

I can’t really imagine Pence being upset that one of his guards was basically using a woman as a sex object. It’s not like he thinks they’re worth much more (aside from birthing his crotch droppings), anyway.

OMG you’re so right.

Very much this also

Oh my god. I was about to reply to your comment to say that I don’t see the problem with that PS ad (I naively assumed “White” referred to a new model of the console or something - not a video game person here) when I scrolled the page up a little and ... Saw the other person. Holy hell. What the actual fuck?! It is

This is about all I have to say about this ad:

Jesus effing Christ. There is literally no reason to do this other than pure, unadulterated hate. Even for those assholes who think gay people, including gay children, are going to hell for loving who they love, how can you possibly risk your own child killing themselves rather than allowing them to answer a goddamn

That is just ... a terrible idea.

“Discrimination against an individual because of gender identity, including transgender status, or because of sexual orientation is discrimination because of sex in violation of Title VII.”

Same way women, people of color, and people with disabilities are discriminated against. Just because it’s illegal doesn’t mean it doesn’t happen, unfortunately =/ On the bright(ish) side, a “growing body of law” is working to put sexual orientation into that group as well.