
Congratulations. Now go back and fix your word vomit that’s splattered all over this thread.

Thank you. I wasn’t sure what the criteria for that sort of thing was, but that explains it pretty well.

Some of which are things you can’t unsee I presume. Shudder.

I’d ask you if you were an idiot, but I don’t like wasting my time asking questions when there’s already plenty of proof right in front of me that the answer is a clear and resounding “yes”.

By the mother, not by the uncle. So you can infer yourself fucking right off.

Unfortunately I think it was just shoddy reading on my part (insert embarrassed emoji here). I think I may have just seen “superintendent” and assumed school, because I’ve never heard of a police superintendent before. The reporting is still definitely shoddy in other ways, though.

Different strokes, I suppose! I will give it a shot, though. Can’t hurt. Thanks for sharing your opinion

Per the OP, “I’m seeing ads about the debut of a show... ” The “it” I was referring to was the trailer for the show. I was saying I don’t think that’s this one is the show OP meant, as it was actually produced by black people.

For fuck’s sake learn how to use a fucking comma. Reading your comments physically pains me. And it’s not just because what you’re saying is dumb as shit.

Wow. That girl needs some serious help. She obviously has some maaaajor issues going on. At the same time, she needs to be held accountable for making false accusations and all of the issues her lies caused. It’s really unfortunate that even though she’s recanted, there’s not really anything that can be done to repair

Oh my dog, Rick Perry, shut the FUCK UP. We don’t need any more proof of how utterly stupid you are. Also, I love how he makes the other candidate’s disqualification about the winner’s sexual orientation (and, of course, how he goes on to compare it to, “but what if it was a black guyyy wahhh”. We should expect no

Just when you thought sexual harassment in India couldn’t get any worse. What the actual fuck is wrong with these guys?? Sick. And the police need to fucking do something about it. This makes me fucking seethe.

Wow. I’ll be the first to admit, there has been at least one occasion when I’ve disagreed with somebody saying a victim was only being portrayed a certain way - and their criminal history only being brought up - because of their race, but ... this. I honestly cannot see how anybody could even attempt to make the

Well that explains a lot >_< My bad.

Very strange, indeed. Especially seeing as how her daughter was still missing at that point.

Whether what the kid did is or isn’t brave is not the point. The point is that the uncle chose to sing this kid praises of bravery rather than say a word about his own niece who was the actual victim here.

And without a good excuse for why he didn’t, my feelings will remain the same and my statement still stands.

Ya, I don’t know that he saw it happen live; I meant he watched it on Facebook Live, the actual streaming service. Either way, I still don’t understand why he wouldn’t go straight to the cops as soon as he saw it.

Oh. That’s kind of a bummer. I never really cared for the original L&O, but have been obsessed with SVU since day 1 and loooved Criminal Intent, as well. Always thought the OG L&O was a little boring, tbh. Cop shows are a dime a dozen now and the only other one I watch is SVU (and an occasional episode of NCIS for

Hmm. Porefessional is at Sephora? I’ll definitely see if I can get a sample of it. I don’t remember the contouring kit brand, lol. It’s just a simple little duo, nothing crazy. Haven’t really had time to try it out yet. I did get a setting spray, though, it’s L’Oreal. I’m not sure that I really see a difference,