ohhhhhh man this comment is not going to be received well around here
ohhhhhh man this comment is not going to be received well around here
shut up Brian
You don’t see a difference between debunking a magic act and pushing someone to commit murder?
This is a VERY weird take, friendo.
I disagree. She has no idea she is trash. They have no idea they are trash. They truly madly deeply from the bottom of their black rotting hearts believe that they are better than all of the rest of us combined.
You may vaguely remember that Grace and Frankie is a thing, but it’s up there as one of my wife and I’s (me and my wife’s? English is so stupid.) favorite Netflix originals.
No. People are mad because he was suggesting people were conflating the two, in the first place. And they aren’t.
yikes dude
And Roy Moore condemned that wholeheartedly telling them, if they ain’t fourteen he ain’t watchin!
I’ve seen offices equipped with a door closing mechanism (basically an electromagnet that releases the heavy door and it closes), but I’ve never heard or considered anyone would want one that locked a closed door. That’s just fucking weird.
“… make fucking sure your Democratic friends get off their ass and vote in 2018.”
There I fixed that typo for you.
This type of abuse is de rigueur in Hollywood. I was an executive assistant to a female manager that was on her way up over ten years ago and she was a horrible verbal abuser. She had been abused by her family and the people that she worked for before she became someone and truly saw the abuse that she doled out as…
Her fucking line of sight is, though.
This revelation, and the many that are sure to follow regarding Kevin, have been a long time coming! Even Jezebel has had many a post that turned into “what freaky story have you heard about Kevin Spacey?” in the comments.
I’ve seen this clip a million times and somehow only now am noticing the misplaced apostrophe in “get’s.”
Star this so it goes to the top pls. Do not scroll down; some asshat posted pictures of decapitated heads and mutilated corpses and some other asshat raised it out of the grays.
Yeah, let him stay in jail forever until he croaks.
Don’t give the fucker the easy way out and endless appeals to showcase himself.