Kendall Powers

Oh be serious. Boaty McBoatface would never win. His domestic policy agenda of flooding New York City to create a network of barge taxis is enough to sink his candidacy.

Prototypical troll. Say idiotic, nonsensical, imbecilic things, then when people point out the problem with your posts you respond with, “Why all the hate?” TrollFace would be so pleased.

“Remember all the stuff republicans bitched about when Obama was president like how he was going to take their guns away? Remember how NONE of that ever happened? Remember how democrats laughed at republicans? That’s YOU now...because you only think in black and white.”

No. Bringing up Krypton deaths is entirely dishonest and disingenuous. You’re taking a page straight from the DEA’s dirty little playbook. The overdoses in Sweden were the result of the synthetic opioid/tramadol substance in Krypton that cause intense respiratory depression. It wasn’t from the kratom itself. You will

It’s not “equally addictive,” the effects aren’t even remotely comparable, and the negative/side effects are trivial compared to heroin addiction or alcoholism. I have been able to get sober, open my own law practice, and now am getting married because of kratom. You can equivocate and conflate all you want, but