
Season 4 was on Netflix for like 2 weeks. Then it went away, what had happened? I am very confused. And the best part was none of the profanity was bleeped.

Season 4 was on Netflix for like 2 weeks. Then it went away, what had happened? I am very confused. And the best part was none of the profanity was bleeped.

The problem has been that the show keeps pretending the stakes are so high, which is annoying. I keep saying this season should just be champagne bubble fun, which this episode was closest to being.

The problem has been that the show keeps pretending the stakes are so high, which is annoying. I keep saying this season should just be champagne bubble fun, which this episode was closest to being.

Can Kelly Osbourne be a permanent judge please? She knows her shit and cares. No need to kick anyone off, just add a chair. She would probably bring her own.

Can Kelly Osbourne be a permanent judge please? She knows her shit and cares. No need to kick anyone off, just add a chair. She would probably bring her own.

I had been kind of iffy on Manila this season, but tonight reminded me why I love her, and she if definitely one of the best girls there, and it is a shame she went. I also loved her lipsync.

I had been kind of iffy on Manila this season, but tonight reminded me why I love her, and she if definitely one of the best girls there, and it is a shame she went. I also loved her lipsync.

Jujubee for the win. I just want to watch her pop and pose and playfully tell people off for an hour. Maybe she can take over Anderson Cooper's vacant timeslot.

Jujubee for the win. I just want to watch her pop and pose and playfully tell people off for an hour. Maybe she can take over Anderson Cooper's vacant timeslot.

I think Tammie is really good looking out of Drag, part of that is that he has regular eyebrows. Tammie and Yara as dudes. So my vote is Brown Yarlexis Flowers.

I think Tammie is really good looking out of Drag, part of that is that he has regular eyebrows. Tammie and Yara as dudes. So my vote is Brown Yarlexis Flowers.

He was the only one who was into PhiPhi's terribleness that episode. He kept praising her "Sarah Palin-esque" character. Barf. Although Dida and Latrice just did nothing, so everyone should have been in the bottom except Sharon and Chad.

He was the only one who was into PhiPhi's terribleness that episode. He kept praising her "Sarah Palin-esque" character. Barf. Although Dida and Latrice just did nothing, so everyone should have been in the bottom except Sharon and Chad.

I actually laughed out loud at several of Nina and Tammie's jokes, and nobody else's. Tammie knows exactly what she is doing. Maybe she can get a spin off reality show, In Search of Tammie Brown.

I actually laughed out loud at several of Nina and Tammie's jokes, and nobody else's. Tammie knows exactly what she is doing. Maybe she can get a spin off reality show, In Search of Tammie Brown.

Yara is slaying me this season, well and often. On season 3 I thought of her as a nice side note to the main show, but on all stars she is giving me everything. I am kind of suprised that I currently want her to win, or Jujubee.
I think Alexis will soon be her downfall. I am also suprised because I thought Alexis was

Yara is slaying me this season, well and often. On season 3 I thought of her as a nice side note to the main show, but on all stars she is giving me everything. I am kind of suprised that I currently want her to win, or Jujubee.
I think Alexis will soon be her downfall. I am also suprised because I thought Alexis was

Tati was also the only girl we saw stand up against the vicious bullying of Mystique. When they were all standing around after Mystique left saying they pitied her and making fun of her weight, Tati was the only one to speak up and tell them off. She wasn't the most talented or smart but I think she was a good person

Tati was also the only girl we saw stand up against the vicious bullying of Mystique. When they were all standing around after Mystique left saying they pitied her and making fun of her weight, Tati was the only one to speak up and tell them off. She wasn't the most talented or smart but I think she was a good person