
Tammie Brown was in an episode of Super Nanny or Nanny 911 or some show where British ladies make you feel bad about your house. He was staying with a family, he was a dude the whole time, but they all sang a lot. The mother of the family was her duet partner in Clam Happy. I am trying to say the episode is worth a

Tammie Brown was in an episode of Super Nanny or Nanny 911 or some show where British ladies make you feel bad about your house. He was staying with a family, he was a dude the whole time, but they all sang a lot. The mother of the family was her duet partner in Clam Happy. I am trying to say the episode is worth a

I was almost instantly over Chad this episode. I just rewatched season 4 and really loved her on re-watch, but then I saw this and am now neutral.

I was almost instantly over Chad this episode. I just rewatched season 4 and really loved her on re-watch, but then I saw this and am now neutral.

You are correct sir. She is gesturing toward camp without actually nailing it down.

You are correct sir. She is gesturing toward camp without actually nailing it down.

You are totally right. I didn't say she was good, I just like her a lot, and have respect for her. She had a lot of guts to stand up to everyone who constantly put her down, and she was aware of some of her limitations, but kept fighting. She was definitely lower level than other girls, but she could step it up when

You are totally right. I didn't say she was good, I just like her a lot, and have respect for her. She had a lot of guts to stand up to everyone who constantly put her down, and she was aware of some of her limitations, but kept fighting. She was definitely lower level than other girls, but she could step it up when

Tati was occasionally clever. Her answers in Snatch Game were one of the few times where a queen has actually had clever word play based on the questions, not just on canned character responses.
And Jessica Wild was not fishy at all, she looked a ton like a dude all the time. She was a crazy mess.

Tati was occasionally clever. Her answers in Snatch Game were one of the few times where a queen has actually had clever word play based on the questions, not just on canned character responses.
And Jessica Wild was not fishy at all, she looked a ton like a dude all the time. She was a crazy mess.

Mimi didn't win the fan voting on facebook. Sharon Needles won, and 'gave' her spot up to Pandora who got second. Mimi was in the top 10 or so, but she definitely didn't win. I voted for Tammie as much as possible, and she was in the top 20ish.

Mimi didn't win the fan voting on facebook. Sharon Needles won, and 'gave' her spot up to Pandora who got second. Mimi was in the top 10 or so, but she definitely didn't win. I voted for Tammie as much as possible, and she was in the top 20ish.

You are too correct. The pacing was ridiculous. I liked the wife and I didn't understand why she was there, like if you have to tell your husband you are going to leave him every third scene, the only reason you are in the movie is for some heartfelt scenes and then to die. Urgh. IT WAS SO BAD. I seriously thought

You are too correct. The pacing was ridiculous. I liked the wife and I didn't understand why she was there, like if you have to tell your husband you are going to leave him every third scene, the only reason you are in the movie is for some heartfelt scenes and then to die. Urgh. IT WAS SO BAD. I seriously thought

Ethan Hawke as "college professor type" is indeed bad news. He wears a frumpy sweater and big glasses and rotating layered t-shirts. He also is an established crime writer who has a notebook in which he writes things like, "WHO KILLED YOU?" and "Where is Stephanie?" as though he has to remind himself of the questions.

Ethan Hawke as "college professor type" is indeed bad news. He wears a frumpy sweater and big glasses and rotating layered t-shirts. He also is an established crime writer who has a notebook in which he writes things like, "WHO KILLED YOU?" and "Where is Stephanie?" as though he has to remind himself of the questions.

I just saw this movie. It reeked. A bunch of stuff that is supposed to be scary adds up to yawns. Like stuff that the idea of seems creepy, snuff films, old movies, dead kids, soul eating monster. By the time there were zombie kid ghosts walking around Ethan Hawke's house I was ready to leave. The deputy was the only

I just saw this movie. It reeked. A bunch of stuff that is supposed to be scary adds up to yawns. Like stuff that the idea of seems creepy, snuff films, old movies, dead kids, soul eating monster. By the time there were zombie kid ghosts walking around Ethan Hawke's house I was ready to leave. The deputy was the only

I feel guilty about this, but I stopped watching last season. I used to love it so much. Then I got kind of bored. I think my problem is everything got figured out. It seemed on the verge of immediate cancellation and willing to try things all the time, and then it seemed to settle into everyone loving each other. I

I feel guilty about this, but I stopped watching last season. I used to love it so much. Then I got kind of bored. I think my problem is everything got figured out. It seemed on the verge of immediate cancellation and willing to try things all the time, and then it seemed to settle into everyone loving each other. I