Ronald Weisenheimer

He was considered a national hero in the Czech Republic and was briefly their American ambassador on trade. Many fans there, including their first president, regard his work as an inspiration for underground political dissent in the last days of communism.

And Kat Dennings.

I'm actually tempted to take back the bad things I've said about comment sections.

The one with the little wizard boy?

Which probably makes it funnier than if he'd just made the meaning plain. He gives us the puzzle pieces to put together for ourselves.

Is that a Nuno Bettencourt signature model guitar? I only ask because I collapse every time I try to play that tapping lick in the "Get The Funk Out" guitar solo.

Jim Gaffigan is really sharp about joke construction. I think the reason he doesn't "work blue" has nothing to do with any kind of moral hangup and everything to do with the fact that it works for his material and his rhythms. I can't think of any of his jokes that would be improved or more complex by being dirtier.

It is possible to believe that the lawsuit would be better off dismissed and still acknowledge that Jimmy Page nicked a significant chunk of "Stairway" from someone else's song. Because he pretty obviously did.

Action/adventure sequels with older actors can work, but they have to acknowledge the character's age.

That's how they replace him: he shows up for the early bird special and teams up with some young stoner who's still there from the night before.

Indiana Jones and the Tarps of Winstone

Donald Trump is a stack of toddlers pretending to be an adult.

"In the abortion episode, the moral Bush learns is that the pro-life and pro-choice camps came by their views sincerely, and therefore each side needs to respect the other. That’s the kind of easy, nothing lesson that comes standard-issue for desperately innocuous sitcoms."

The story is ludicrous.

Had they scrubbed the obligatory family subplot and made an unfiltered movie about a lawyer who suddenly finds himself unable to lie, Liar Liar could have been more subversive and a lot funnier.

Troy and Abed on the HELLLLLIcarrier!

This is the continuity where all the old supporting characters are younger and sexier.

Wait a minute… Napster? Rhapsody? Best Buy?

Taxi Driver is unambiguous about the fact that Travis's heroic self-image is a product of dangerous mental instability pretty much from the first frame. The genius is how well it gets us to understand the complicated, self-contradictory ways he feels about himself on the inside, while at the same time observing how

Interesting thesis, but I'm not sure I buy 100% of the argument here. For many people, the Cable Guy didn't just feel weird and dark. It felt miscalculated. It seemed like it was reaching for one thing and grabbing another. (Ouch.) Imagine if Taxi Driver really tried to get us to accept Travis Bickle as a sad sack,