Ken Yadiggit, Adios

her face makes me happy too, she’s such a cutie pie. It helps that thinking of Shirley and Community in general aaaaalways makes me laugh


Can we just turn it into a horror movie, please

I fuckin loved Full House. Loved it. I have the seasons on DVD and watch it religiously when it was on television.

But even this, to feels....wrong? Like a really surreal nightmare where everything seems normal but there’s just something...not right.

There’s something evil in that house.

It’s not so much the cravings as the fact that I just really really like smoking.

like....the proof is literally in front of these people that it is BLACK AND BLUE but the lighting is fucking up the colour and they still insist its white and gold?

also what kinda jankyass gold is that fuckin shit

omg yes it’s such a nice, comforting smell to me.

The Havarti Party: I Brielieve in America!

I vaguely remember people smoking indoors when I was young. The thing I remember most is my father smoking in our bathroom. There was a yellow ring on the ceiling and it REEKED. As a kid I kinda liked the smell, but after a while stale smoke is just gross.

Even though I am a smoker, I’d never smoke inside my house or

I visited South Korea and you can still smoke in some restaurants there. I am a smoker but even I was like ....ew this is kinda too much right now.

now now. we’re all going to die.

That’s what Dr. Oz said, and I’m sticking to it

This phrase is totally uttered by people who definitely know what they’re talking about. yup.

preeeeetty much.

Well tell her to keep up the good work! I find myself stopping to admire the artwork after I’ve finished reading a page. It’s lovely and modern but without losing the old feel of the original art. Probably one of the best decisions I made last year was to get the subscription, it makes my day whenever a new one

Has anyone been reading the new Archie comics? They’re so beautifully illustrated and keeping me intrigued with the storyline and modernization. I really, really love them so far.

jesus she’s just perfection isn’t she

ain’t nobody got time for thaaaat

I look like Groucho Marx if I let mine go in and, though I am a fan of those who can pull off the natural face just doesn’t take kindly to it.

I don’t have a LEGIT uni-brow but there is one LONG FUCKER who likes to grow DIRECTLY in the middle and just appears as if out of nowhere some mornings. I take great

I’m relatively average-thin everywhere else (ok ok maybe some junk in the trunk) but that damn paunch is there and does not seem to want to leave. So I’ve just embraced it. Put a little sombrero on it. Gave it a nickname. Hold it when I’m nervous. We’re quite close now, she knows all my secrets.