Ken Yadiggit, Adios

ahh you just reminded me I need to finish Master of None! I’m about halfway through the series, I really have enjoyed it so far but I got to watching something else and forgot.

I am also finishing Louie right now, which is actually a lot better than I expected it to be.

I AM SO READY. Netflix has been yawn-worthy lately.

New Unbreakable. New Archer. New BoJack. And hopefully new F is for Family.

oh god fucking bless you

t-minus 1 hour and I am done for the day. then I get my drink on at a drag/burlesque show all night so I AM READY FOR THE FREAKIN’ WEEKEN’


Southern Ontario!

They’re good kids. They make me feel old though. In the same sense, they keep me young cause they teach me lingo and give me new music to listen to. Though I still haven’t gotten the name of all the 1Direction boys down. I still swear there’s an Allen in there.

I apologize for my tone being unnecessarily harsh in my initial response. Your comment didn’t warrant that.

The thing is...I can understand the points of why it might be problematic (as much as I hate that word) and some of it may be a symptom of something much biggest. As most things in our modern society is. But....yeh, like you mentioned there are bigger fish to fry and honestly? It’s funny. It’s silly and not everyone

As someone who coaches a girls sports team made up of 10-18 year olds, I know this, thanks. I never said anything to the contrary. Those kids are some of the smartest, most open-minded and genuinely caring individuals I know, including all the adults I know. But fuck if some of my friends younger siblings aren’t

I’ve watched this at least a dozen times in a row and it never stops being funny


yeh this is literally at the bottom of me ‘to care about’ list.

based on teen girls who I’m not sure actually exist

UH no shit. People age no matter how old they are. Me saying she is aging is not a negative thing, it’s a fucking fact of life. My point is people remember her mostly from when she was in her early twenties. She is no longer fucking 19 years old and fuck if she should look it. Your face changes as you age that is

While I laughed a good deal through this, on a serious note
have you ever been tested for sleep apnea?

If you get a C-pap machine you can sound less like a jackhammer and sound more like Darth Vader.

yes and my point is shes not fucking 18 anymore. Aging doesn’t mean she’s the fucking crypt keeper. Everyone ages, it’s not a negative.

we gotta remember she’s aging. She may have had minimal work done, but peoples face change as they age. as my grandma would say, she ain’t no spring chicken anymore!

I fucking love milk. I love milk and cheese and all things dairy that I can drink a whole huge glass of milk and still want to drink it straight from the bag afterwards.

I am also lactose intolerant and this makes doing the former things increasingly difficult. BUT I SHALL NEVER CEASE.

Man. I like Pat Sajak. He always has the silly dad-humour down.


ehhh I suppose so, but the definitions and the way they are formed are two different things though. Beauty marks are way more common (booooring, hence why I want cute-ass freckles!) I will never have freckles, my skin-type just doesn’t do that. I have plenty of beauty marks. Obviously you can have both, but they’re