Ken Yadiggit, Adios

sometimes I pick a random one to see what I get. It is either a nice reminder, an eerily accurate fortune, or one of those REALLY poorly translated ones that just make you laugh.

I’ve actually been thinking of creating a project where I post a fortune a day with a different, pretty background. Just a fun instagram

But I read while I work. I’m definitely not lazy.

What is your white whale in terms of records? I am a casual collector but I am currently helping my one friend try and create a collection of all the records William Miller’s sister leaves him in Almost Famous. Some of them are hard to find in used shops, but every once in a while you get lucky.

that sounds really cool, actually!

I collect old cameras, Elvis paraphernalia and fortune cookie fortunes. I have a big-ass jar full of fortunes dating back to when I was a kid. HUNDREDS of them.

OH. Also. I’ve bought a shotglass from every place I’ve ever visited. And friends have started buying them for me when they

Well I don’t shame him about it, it’s all jokes. Plus he now knows how many times (and how often) I watch 30 Rock and all the horrible 2000's teen movies I am fond of. Fair trade,

And use up my data on my phone ? Noooooo

I pop it on a skillet over the stove, none of the soggy mess that comes with microwaves and sometimes toaster ovens.

I feel like I’d like to be friends with you.

Some of us can’t use headphones at work, though.

I’ve heard that theory as well. I do buy into acupuncture, I see no reason why it’s not a real thing. Maybe I should try it, I’ve got enough holes in my head as it is, what’s one more?

I mean, hydration does have lots to do with your overall health. But everyone who has suffered from frequent headaches (cough*hangovers*cough) knows that you should try hydrating but often times it NOT the answer. Sometimes you just get a goddamn headache!

sometimes I can’t even KEEP water down if I have a migraine

oh yeh I understood that. I just...dont take the placebos but also wait the week before starting a new pack and wondered if that made a difference at all

weed makes me nauseous and it’s the biggest bummer of life.

what, pray-tell, is a VAMPIRE BREASTLIFT

LOL I understand how it works, I know I’m not gonna keep filling up with uterine lining until I EXPLODE on a glorious, bloody manner hahahahah it was just one of those “oh god what if this awful thing happens” thoughts in the back of my head, especially as a teenager who didnt know better.

ooooh this looks interesting

And there’s no adverse effects with stacking your pills and skipping your period?

I am TEN times worse OFF the hormonal BC than on, and that’s every day instead of just a week. So maybe I should be looking at different kinds of BC? I’ve had a lot of recommendations for IUDs on here, especially Mirena, so I think thats my next course of action!

Yeh I’ve done that, stacked my pills so I skip a period. Seems like something I should do all the time, screw that monthly gift

hahah logically and scientifically I know this now. But as a teenager I was SO worried, even if it seemed implausible. What a dumb-dumb teens are, the world is always ending.

I REFUSE TO SHED! That’s it, not more periods. It’s my late-New Years resolution