Ken Yadiggit, Adios

I’m WAY worse off of horomonal BC. But I think I might need to find a different kind.

I always thought it would just like...back up in my system. Like it’s just a whole bunch of period waiting to be released and I’d probably die from blood loss if I ever went too long without it hahahah

oh god the crying that leads to yelling that leads to crying that leads to yelling that leads to so much bread intake then more crying.

I don’t feel the same sort of sadness, but my moods are still fucking WEIRD when I am in the bleeding part of the period.

Not my bag, I’ve tried therapy and been recommended CDs and books like this. It just really, really doesn’t help. But thank you for the recommendation!

People who have never had migraines don’t understand, I usually get the “oh just take an advil and suck it up” or my favourite “DRINK WATER!” lol how about you go fuck yourself? hahahah, it’s almost laughable. In the moment, I wouldn’t wish it on my worst enemy.

The recovery!!! YES. It feels like your brain is bruised

I am only realizing this now as I am turning 25 and taking more charge in my own health. The problem is the search for a good doc is long and arduous (as you must know!) and SURPRISE my depression often prevents me from having the energy or even the WILL to go look for help. It’s like I have to plan my life around my

I am 25 and have been struggling with depression in general since I was 13. Only in the last 5 years have I noticed the pattern in my depressions vs my cycle.

Not seasonal, no. I kept track to make sure it wasn’t just s.a.d. The winter months don’t actually bother me much, especially since I’ve been exercising more.

thank you for the info!! Yeh, my doc is a fuckin dingbat.

Lol okay new plan, find better weed dealers and not just whatever my bffs little brother happens to have in a shoebox under his bed hahah

OHhh I didn’t know this, that’s interesting! It still hasn’t worked for me in yeaaaars, though Tylenol dulls the pain and Aleve is usually pretty good at stopping it.

Track it down! It’s actually fascinating, once I started tracking my moods. I get outrageously horny on the same day every month, weepy and sad, my food intake changes. The human body is fucking cool. It’s a fucking PAIN but it’s really cool once you start seeing patterns. Plus, you can take preventative measures once

I need to start smoking more weed on my period hahha I do think it would help, except the fact that I am USELESS when I am high. Like, utterly useless, dumb, sleepy, space-cadet. But I guess that’s better than being useless because I’m so sad I can’t move haha

I’ve been getting migraines since I was a child. I get sinus headaches as well, but there’s a huge difference.

My migraines are like a hot poker through one of my eyes, accompanied by nausea, light and sound sensitivity, halos, vision blurriness, and basically just so much pain I can’t function and just sob into my

I’ve been looking into getting one, I just need to find a OBGYN! Heard nothing but good things. Which IUD do you use?

Yeh I’ve stacked my pills like that too. When I knew I’d be doing something I really didn’t want to do on my period that week, I’d just start into the new pack. I doubt its harmful in any way. I know girls who just...stack them constantly and never get their period.

I just never knew if doing it longterm was harmful,

That’s a good idea, a low-dose something that I can take when I KNOW I will need it. Cause it’s almost like clockwork, I know exactly when these feelings will start.

I plays sports and exercise does help, though I will never go on Prozac again cause it makes me so dull and apathetic it’s almost worse than being sad. I’ll have to see what my options are next time I talk to my doctor.

I’ve been looking into getting a IUD! It seems like the perfect option for me. I really don’t mind getting a period but lord, it would be nice just to never have one again haha

Good thing dark chocolate is my favourite.

Thanks for the recommendations. I know the meditation and mindful stuff won’t work, but I’ll look into putting more vitamins in my diet.