Ken Yadiggit, Adios

I like Taylors music for what it is...but you are so right. Even watching that video made me think “oh god I would NOT want to be her friend and have to deal with her drama all the time”

She’ll learn in time, we can only hope. Things aren’t that bad.

That’s one of my big things. I hate looking like a fool, I hate thinking that people assume they can lie to me and get away with it. But at the end of the day, it says way more about them than me. I’ve loaned people money before that they’ve lied about as well...and now I just think “well they must have needed it

It’s true. Holly beat her because she was and is a better fighter. There’s no arguing about it. Rousey has drive and isn’t a BAD fighter, but there’s only so far that drive and intimidation can take you. I think she was thrown for a loop when that finally hit her (no pun intended).

Yeh. If you watch the fight, you can see in her face she was NOT expecting things to go down that way. I can’t imagine what a fucking head-spin that must’ve been (both literally and figuratively)

Exactly. Who are we to say what her dreams are? I think it’s fuckin BADASS that her dreams include being the best fighter AND a mom. And if that’s the dream that keeps her going through the tough times, then good for her. It’s okay to want to be a mom, I hope people don’t rag on her for that. Plus I mean, look at

I’ve never been 100% entirely sure who she is, but I really like Chrissy Teigen

“Your job doesn’t stop until you’re voted out, or until your term expires,”

Or, as in this case, y’know....til you die.

But he’s running his mouth on Twitter like a fool and I don’t think I’ve ever seen Kim do that. She even stays out of her sisters Twitter feuds. Kanye made his own success, I agree! But he seems to be....a little more unstable than usual

penis make u stoopid

Yep. Even if “being kim” doesnt take many braincells, it’s still a brand to maintain (which is HAAARD) and like I said...people keep buying into her stuff so she’s succeeding at it. I have nothing but respect for Kim Kardashian, to be honest.

She might not be the brightest bulb in general but she ain’t no fool, that’s for sure.

honest to god, not sure why people are surprised at this.....Kim ain’t no dummy. She’s built an empire and us suckers keep feeding her money, so who is the dumb one now?

Kanya, on the other hand, consistently shows the world his hand. and it’s a crazy one.

bless you.

I had meningitis when I was 17 and it was one of the scariest things I’ve ever gone through. I couldn’t move my head from the pain in my neck and back, I had a fever of 105 so my brain was literally boiling inside my skull, and I had to get a spinal tap whilst I was in quarantine for a number of days. In my fevered


Just gotta say, I read this write-up when you posted it and was intrigued, and forgot about the movie til it showed up on Netflix. I reccomended it to the friend I was with and we ended up completely enjoying it. Really, really, liked this movie. Thanks for the worm in my brain about it!



that pink floral dress in the middle is caaaa-yoooot. I wants it, precious.