Ken Yadiggit, Adios

I wouldn’t be able to do the copper ones, my hormonal bc is the reason I am not a constantly bleeding, on-deaths-door cramps with mood swings that could be considered a public safety hazard. Y’all are making me wanna get the Mirena.


Honestly? If I am in a public bathroom and need an emergency diva cup removal, I’m more likely to dump it out, wipe it down, and reinsert with the intent to wash it when I get home or to a private bathroom.

OHHH ok. haha you had me worried, because that was my next health-related plan of action. Which IUD do you have? I’m assuming you like it.

That’s a thing?? IUD means no Diva Cup?!?

All I can say is from personal experience: best decision I ever made.

to add really bad vaguley appropriative ‘flash’ tattoos or bindis.

I just finished “Yes Please” by Amy Poehler and it was pretty good, as far as autobiographies go. It made me laugh out loud several times, which to me makes it worth the read.

Now I am reading “Barbarian Days”, recommended by Jia over at Jezebel. A memoir about a young man growing up in Hawaii and the surfing culture

That’s on my To Read list!

awww, Brit Brit.

omg you’re killing it today

Discount George Michael.

you are so smart. s-m-r-t.

When shit goes down and you look around for an adult and then you realize you ARE the adult. So you look for someone more adultier than you.

social contact not done through my phone? EWWWW

I feel you. My bf lost his father, and mine is a piece of garbage. It’s weird to think that we both have the same pain in longing for our father figures in our lives, but in completely different ways. It’s hard to relate even though we are feeling the same things.

I can totally agree with that. I am wary of the industry. Lately I’ve been seeking out more amateur/queer/feminist run porn creators. They do exist! I wish more of it was like that.


As someone who owns and regularly rewatches the JAZZ doc, I can tell you that’s not a bad thing.

Grab the hooch from the loose floarboard and fire up the breezer cause we’re about to pain the town. I think you’re the cat’s pajamas.

GAMS. KEEN. ON THE LAM. i dont know.

Also I am going to start saying “floozy, please”