
Always fun to use this twice in a day:

First time on the internet?

What truth are you referring to? Women’s responsibility for being sexually assaulted? Your mind must be stronger than your feelings? The red pill nonsense? I pity the men who cheer this guy. I wonder what being that guy who WANTS to assault women is like. I mean, they don’t get that the main reason they are incel is

Sir, this is a blog.

Public office should be a public service, not a career path to wealth. Thank you for laying that all out so eloquently.

yeah but this lets them get away with making even shittier, more derivative art for much cheaper if we let them.

I’d take “casual gamer” as a term to describe someone’s level of engagement (e.g. “I play games on my phone while I’m on the train, but don’t really consider it one of my hobbies” vs “playing games is one of my major leisure activities”), but people use “casual gamer” often enough to mean “person who plays games that

Yes, you are gate keeping.  Are they playing a game?  Then yes, they’re gamers.

In just to mention that Ito, as scary as his work can be, also has a delightful comic about his life with his charmingly peppy wife and their two cats:

I’m aware, I did work in gamedev for a decade and it’s an argument I’ve made here in the past. I think you might be reading too much into what I said, though: I didn’t say anything about boycotting, I’m just choosing not to follow this particular developer’s future work as I might if I heard, for example, that Sid

Cool? Plenty of people, myself included, didn't enjoy it regardless of politics. 

Go broke, blame woke.

I don’t think I’ve ever seen someone blame a “woke” reason for their problems that wasn’t just trying to avoid admitting the actual problem.

This site is such a trip sometimes. On the one hand you have people who scream bloody murder at “crunch” and what’s required of the front line developers, artists, and designers to turn around a game in line with a release window. Then on the other hand we’re cursing them for not providing fucking perfection within a

I mean, that’s not the only Switch game to come out this year that has shown the Switch’s age. Bayonetta 3 and Xenoblad Chronicles 3 all make sacrifices to optimize the game to run ok on the hardware. Arceus also had some of these issues, whether it was lower frame rate for Pokemon off in the distance or bland

NY dems got their shit rocked specifically because they were too busy trying to get cute and fight progressives like AOC rather then, you know, field candidates that voters wanted to elect.

The line ‘when it’s black it’s a gang, and when it’s italians, it’s the mob, and when it’s jews, it’s a coincidence’ is brilliant in it’s structure.

The Last of Us had a good and consistent art style. It’s not as simple as you’re making it sound.

it does more with the story than sonic has in 20 years

I dunno, I got more value out of Movie Pass, and that was literally venture capitalists burning money so I could see movies.