Exclusivity deals may be good for devs/pubs but they sure as hell aren’t good for consumers. As a consumer, I’d much rather devs/pubs get paid for putting their games on sub services instead of being paid not to.
Exclusivity deals may be good for devs/pubs but they sure as hell aren’t good for consumers. As a consumer, I’d much rather devs/pubs get paid for putting their games on sub services instead of being paid not to.
More than defensiveness or tribalism, what gives me pause about publishers leaning toward mobile games is the reason they are doing so. You are right, it’s money, but it’s the how they are getting that money that worries, and oftentimes disgusts me.
political statements they may or may not be making, especially when at times those kind of things are more imagined than real
The problem I have isn’t about expectations of everyone being vaccinated, or requiring masks. The problem I have is how these conventions are going from being completely shut down to then having full attendance. They could start out with 50-75% max capacity, and ease back into 100%. Profit comes over the customer’s…
I love Destiny 2 and play it everyday. Was solo since the beta till last year when my partner started playing w/ me. She loves that we never have to talk to people and have never used chat. It’s gotten pretty toxic for many but I’m glad we can enjoy it w/ out dealing w/ it.
it’s a fucking great album. I’ve been listening all day and it keeps getting better each listen. Thique, Heated, Plastic Off the Sofa and Virgo’s Groove are solid hits. The album is littered with both love and critiques of America, and it’s just smooth fun that is a celebration of the queer underground and disco.
Yea no fuck that, he fucked around and found out.
At this point, I’m surprised he didn’t double down and blame the “woke mob” for cancelling him. What about the part where he announces he is deleting his Twitter account, then bounces back five hours later with something like “UP YOURS, WOKE MORALISTS!” That’s the most entertaining bit!
Saying you’re “done with video games” is as ludicrous as saying you’re done with music or movies or something. Video games are huge. Everyone makes them and everyone plays them. Find the parts that you like. Ignore the parts you don’t.
Canada’s most infamous intellectual
these are video game related memes. they’re on topic. dork.
Or I would recommend picking Yakuza 0 on Steam during the Summer Sale for $4.99. I put roughly 70 hours into it, so it’s an incredible value at that price. Still great at the normal price of $19.99.
If these corporations don’t want to wade into politics, they can stop contributing to political campaigns or paying lobbyists.
I’d say read the manga instead. Still a massive undertaking but the art is amazing and no filler.
That pillow definitely didn't consent to it either.
Video games are great. “Gamers” are fucking trash. Makes me embarrassed to admit I love video games sometimes.
The only reason companies drop the price of games is because they stop selling well enough. That doesn’t happen for Nintendo very often, so there’s no reason to do it. The idea that a title “should be” X price ignores that the only reason they hit that low is trying to squeeze the last drops of blood from a stone.
$20 drops are fairly common for sale windows for Nintendo. They just never go any lower than that.