
personal opinions is one thing, donating to politicians that actively target minorities and make their lives significantly worse is quite another.

Lootboxes and so forth make most of their money off a minority of "whale" players. They make "voting with your wallet" impossible.

loot boxes got regulated. 

You need to wake up. You need to understand what you’re really saying. But you won’t and you don’t. Expecting that from you would be like trying to get blood from a stone. Because that’s all you are, a dull instrument that hammers the same points that no longer have any meaning.

I’d like to shit in this man’s coffee. That is all.


Player: “Yay, I got this super-scarce item! I’ll sell it for a shit-ton of money!”
Ubisoft: “We’re taking the servers offline.”

Nearly every current application NFTs are being used for are scams, whether large ones in the form of overly expensive GIFs or low level shit like this. Because at the end of the day it’s just getting people to part with their money for no real benefit. At least you can drive the $170k Ford Fusion.

First, they never claimed that they only think that crypto is only about crime or money laundering... infact it never came up because there’s plenty of other things to detest it for.

Remember, when you get ripped off the government isn’t going to save you.  You wanted freedom from government regulation, so tough shit if you get fucked.

Dear People of Japan,

Why do that when you can hire a bunch of college students for a fraction of the cost?

“But if we don’t buy the game the company will just fire the low level employees!

lol wut

Paid expansions are yearly, not every few months. Seasonal content drops do happen every 3 months usually (the current one is extra long because of expansions delays due to COVID). And I think most current Destiny 2 players would agree the game is in a really great place right now, and has been getting better every

They make excuses for why the content has to go but pretty much every other long time MMO out there shows they’re straight up lying about it.

Very funny AND charming, just like the Beast Man himself! Can I get an amen fellow Beast Boys!?!?

I know it’s just a media property, but this is geniunely a little aggravating to see the point missed this badly. It was fundamentally a critique of the way rich capitalists exploit and humiliate the poor for profit.

I’d say this is a very teachable moment that shows how capitalists will water down and appropriate anti-capitalist messages for profit.

Fun fact. As someone who works for a seperate gaming site. When y’all come here you’re giving the article views. More views shows interest. So when you come here and leave a post it raises numbers in both views AND engagement so by coming here and leaving these comments you’re telling them they need to keep up the