
And yes I played on a high end PC.”

Kinda invalidates your point then. Since a High-end PC was really the only way you could play the game

Witcher 3 is an RPG in the sense that Final Fantasy 7 is an RPG.  That’s what I meant.  Baulder’s Gate veers more towards the table-top rpg, which is honestly what Cyberpunk probably should have been in the first place.

I think the difference is that even in a bad sequel, spin-off, prequel, etc, it’s still within the film context.

Fortnite strips away all of that meaning from the licenses to just be another skin suit in which it is vaguely funny to see Piccolo firing an AK47.

I think people tend to forget the lead up to Cyberpunk as well as that initial launch. CDPR were promising everything with that game. And if you watched those previews, you would have thought that what Cyberpunk was was a full on RPG in the manner of a Witcher 3.

Resident Evil 2 remake (and the sequels) are different in that the remakes are all about significantly changing the context of the games. That is by design. That and if Capcom had only updated the graphics but kept the tank controls, while that might be something appealing to die hards, I can’t imagine any casual or

What’s especially gross are the chuds who are still around who, every once in awhile, will try their hand at historical revisionism in which “no actually, Gamergate was a legitimate movement about integrity in games journalism and certainly not a means to harass women, minorities, and anyone else they didn’t like.”


So then why did you click the link?

Seriously some of the funniest shit I’ve seen on the internet.  They need to do a full on It’s Always Sunny Crossover with TLOU.

It really is kind of amazing how much of an overpaid, dumb piece of shit Zavlav continues to be. 

Exactly I don’t really buy this at all that Nintendo won’t offer BC when they’ve been pretty consistent about being compatible with at least the previous generation. I full on expect that to be the case for the Switch 2.

Because a fantastic use case to get a bunch of people who bought your very popular video game

Because Marvel has a blueprint on “how to make a movie make a billion dollars” and everything you described abut Shang-Chi is essentially why it’s in that movie, and why variations of it are in the other Marvel films.

A big reason why Marvel is having trouble adapting Blade into the MCU is because he does not fit the

Should Nintendo also have an opinion on Israel/Palestine?

It’s also important to note that there was a time in which “if she says no—break her down till she says yes” was very much a thing that was considered fine.... endearing even. Because “boys will be boys” and “we’re just beasts who think with our dicks.”

There was a time in which rape was thought of as some stranger

That’s pretty much the supposed use case of technology. That tech would alleviate humanity from the most mundane tasks, leaving significant time for upskilling.

Though this only works if people did not have to worry about the bare necessities.  

is the most important metric.”

It really isn’t.  It’s particularly useless when it’s for anything that isn’t a mindless superhero film.  

The last Destiny 2 expansion was no worse reviewed than most that came before it, and seems to have sold fairly similar volumes.”

to be fair.  While you’re likely right, I think its important to consider context:  Beyond Light triggered a pretty big backlash across the board, largely do to the expansion not living up

This makes you sound like an immense piece of shit. Especially if your response to people losing their jobs is “haha suck it Destiny fans.”

“I’m sure there’s plenty of enjoyment you’ve derived from the minor suffering of those you don’t like, so don’t come at me, hypocrite.”

Neo-nazis. Homophobes. Politicians.

the device would certainly be a big win for video game conservation if it lets you play games from your DS library.

I have a feeling that time will probably be kinder to that game.

The size absolutely is the problem. It’s all about resource management.

Part of the problem I have with so many open world titles (especially the Ubisoft ones) are that Devs brag about how much space is in their games, yet when you really look at it, most of the time these spaces are virtually empty, copy and pasting