
I’m reading this book called the Twilight of Democracy and it goes into depth on how a lot of so called “elites” or intellectuals find themselves engaging or outright regurgitating right wing authoritarian talking points. And the reason is fairly simple: People are petty, and that doesn’t change once you’re rich.

See, I hate this interpretation of the word. Never mind that it absolutely fits within the right-wing terminology that anyone who is “woke” must be performative, but it also suggests that social change is an either/or situation: Either you are actively on the streets fighting the good fight, or your just a

It doesn’t mean anything—that’s the point. They pretty much did the exact same thing to CRT: where you pump so much bullshit and lies about what it actually means, that it doesn’t really matter anymore. All that’s left is a near pavlovian response to the word that triggers you, even though you have no idea what it

I literally had this exact conversation about JK Rowling who, apparnetly, is still on her TERF bullshit on twitter getting into arguments with people who barely have any followers. It’s so baffling that we’re watching extremely wealthy people lose their fucking minds when they can easily just go “wait—I’m rich!”


Except it’s not as simple as that. To claim that the problems of “cancel culture” comes down to a lack of concrete messaging misunderstands the situation going on right now: there is a wave of White Resentment going on in which white voters are increasingly becoming bitter towards notions of “diversity” and

The big issue is that we only have two political parties.  A lot of Republicans, while complicit, do find Trump disgusting.  But the Republican party is the only party they feel like they can vote for.  It’s a similar issue with Democrats (though I am by no means both sidesing the situation, Republicans are infinitely

Precisely. I FUCKING HATE this centrist attitude that somehow allowing Nazis a turn protects “freedom of speech” despite the fact that a Nazi’s belief is inherently violent. Like racists, homophobes, anti-semites, etc, the message is inherently violent regardless of whether or not there is a full on intent to make

To be fair, there are issues with cancel culture. Largely the problem of dealing with nuance, complex situations by means of Twitter in which emotion overrides logic. The thing is, Left Wing Totalitarianism isn’t really a thing since progressives don’t hold power with the Democrats. Most Democrats with political power

Because medieval stories spur fantasies of life without immigrants or black people.

I think its a fair chance to say that he’s done. We’re not just talking about using a derogatory term and then doubling down on it, but it’s saying this shit in the midst of two of the deadliest shootings we’ve seen in quite some time.

If dude ain’t thrown out, then there is something wrong here.

Guns give a false sense of security that you can be the action hero of your own movie. Guys like that are almost always cowards who hide behind guns as a way of (poorly) dealing with fear and anxiety.

As if a single bullet to the brain, no matter how many guns you own, won’t put you down like everyone else.

The US has changed considerably over the course of a few hundred years... probably more than most (still existing) governments. That is partly because of it’s youth, and its starting point (I mean... we started from government-backed chattel slavery... the bar started LOW), but should imply some reasons for optimism.

The “but bad guys only use illegal weapons” is often used in bad faith to dismiss any sort of gun control.  That apparently when bad guys do bad things they make sure to only use illegal weapons.  As if the amount of guns in this country don’t make it easy to procure one.

The problem isn’t inherently owning a weapon. The problem is a bunch of people owning weapons who treat them like toys and lack any empathy for people.

oh yeah I absolutely do not believe for a second that’s a real person.  That’s is absolutley a bot.

Right now I have a “Support for Ukraine” ad, a mobile ad, some ad for healthcare.

Yeah Crypto nerds have been trying to place crypto as a means to strike back against capitalism which, lol, is funny considering many of its biggest supporters are, surprise, surprise, capitalists.

It’s another way for the rich to become richer, and I laugh at anyone who tries to tell me that NFT’s will be able to

God I loved this show.