
What happened to this?

DOA had better fanservice, maybe just a tad bit better story, but not much

Nintendo has been around since 1889. Your comment did incite a look of haughty derision followed by a snort filled chuckle however.

Same as Microsoft and EA...reminds me of a certain Wallaby...


What you don't see is that person sitting in the corner is totally owning at Battlefield 10 right now.

Because you only understand the nature of things that the model is good for. If the model is indeed broken, for even a small set of data, then a better model out there should exist.

The Xbox One is demonstrably worse value? How so? First, it has far more features than the PS4. Second, from a purely gaming aspect, how can you say it is anything worse than even? All the major cross-platform games are there of course, and for exclusives, I'd have to vote Ryse and Forza ahead of anything so far

yep, I'm sure Microsoft is super pissed about that install base of 65 million windows PCs

Spider-man you say?

No god dammit, we're not having this same discussion every time this guy updates his device.

I discovered this one this year:

Move aside ladies and stand back gentlemen. The professional is here.

A common mistake, instead of getting the 3DS he got the DDDs.

So... what you've been doing?

Something makes me think you would be a terrible businessman

"IMO, we'd prefer if the games were judged independently of what are clearly going to be very temporary connection issues. I understand that they're important right now, but in a couple weeks' time they'll be an afterthought and a big part of this review will be irrelevant."

Actually, that was Gary Larson.