
Give a PC fanboy some awesome specs and he'll still find something to complain about.

Posts like these sadden me because they're fuelled by both MS and Don Matrick's horrible PR and mixed messages and the fact that its now cool to hate on MS with said information instead of actually looking at the facts. Let me address your three points since they're all pretty completely off the bat.

"I have." - Kermit Gosnell

LOL the NSA is tracking you right're on the internet.

One kid makes a tasteless joke and is sent to jail while these kids make death threats and everyone brushes it off. Makes sense..

Yes because everyone loathed Eternal Sunshine

The lack of a Wii U version is very disappointing. Everyone knows that Soul Caliber II is not Soul Caliber II without Link.

And in traditional Japanese anime fashion, Ryu immediately nosebleeds his way to defeat?

Except it was broke... so I'm really hoping they did fix it. It wasn't ergonomic, sticks were convex, triggers were so bad it defaulted to bumpers for shooting, and it was way too small. This seems to fix all these problems, and yes, they were problems or they wouldn't have changed it.

The mobile site has been doing this to me also recently, all the gawker media mobile sites. Never had the problem before.

I'd give that a final smash.....

Sounds like Microsoft might pull another 180, making it a...

I dislike any tats, really.

Tastefully done, sure.

yes I for one do like it. I also know many other people that do as well.

That's how you get things done

I could never beat Sagat playing as E. Honda.