
I feel for them. The second they post game news a fan doesn’t like, they get doxxed or death threats to their family.

Sue sue sue

It doesnt make any sense why they would. Whats the rationale here besides being a woman?

14.99 for a magazine wtf?

Wendy Williams must be on drugs these days.

I can’t wait to see football taken away someday.

Boy you’re astute, how did I fuckin miss that? +1

I own all systems. If youre an online guy, the online multiplayer is leaps and bounds more stable XB1.

Someone who gets it.

Boy I’m sure they’re wishing they did extend the net now.

Bah if you’re happy, its all that matters.

Juggalos are fine. They were on Stern promoting this.

No Twin Snakes? /disappointed

Sorry to hear that man, my heart goes out to you.

I couldn’t arbitrarily move through floors in the Castlevania VS. version it seemed a lot harder than I remembered. Fun as hell tho and it didn’t have any weird graphical glitches....very clean.

Glad I put off buying this system. I hate everything about this chat system, it sounds like a nightmare.

The bodegas in Philly are routinely violent. There isn’t a month that passes by where someone isn’t shot inside one of them.

I remember first hearing a murmur about it on Howard Stern a few years ago, I think it was in late 2014 or really early 2015.

Racist apologizes for reminding everyone that he’s still a racist.
