Great deal at first sight but with the news of a new PS4 coming out in the future, probably not worth picking up.
Great deal at first sight but with the news of a new PS4 coming out in the future, probably not worth picking up.
Great deal at first sight but with the news of a new PS4 coming out in the future, probably not worth picking up.
Great deal at first sight but with the news of a new PS4 coming out in the future, probably not worth picking up.
Well Liquid Snake had a different voice too and they were twins.
The DeadpooliO guy is a massive loser. I would suggest you dismiss him and avoid the troll void.
Ok thanks for that. Wasnt aware but now it makes sense.
Makes me wonder why Hayter would be bent out of shape when they never actually replaced the Solid Snake voice?
Lol still no seasons for Heroes though.
So when i say its dead, its ignorance but when Sony fails to announce anything for it during E3 2015, whats that called?
The Vita fans are ultra touchy about their dead hardware.
Shitty movie.
Ok so I don’t have an Oculus but I did get my free Samsung Gear VR to pair with my SG7. Played some games on it, pictures, videos and stuff and it was very fun! Something I’ve noticed since using it however: whenever I sleep, my dreams have become much crazier and lucid. Hard to kinda explain. Has anyone else…
I know right?
Well fuck that Fipp guy. Who fucking cares? There’s a loser out there giving power to this sort of thing? If you have time to sit on a reddit forum and spout off nonsense about a fucking pose, get a job.
If i ever train my cat to use the toilet, ill be getting this.
If i ever train my cat to use the toilet, ill be getting this.
Every aspect of Affleck’s Batman infuriated me but Batman being an absolute moron in this movie is the most insulting of all.
Reading all of this reignites my anger over that pile of crap I saw this past weekend. Cavill stinks but Affleck’s Batman is a clumsy idiot.
Cannot wait for SF to finally appear. Have the Xbox Elite controller thats begging to be used on these games.
There is no hand they will play that includes you playing past titles for free considering they invested well over $300 million into PS now and Gaikai. You keep waiting for that handout though.
Sony’s primary business is selling insurance and also abandoning hardware.
Seriously the worst movie I’ve seen in a long time. Affleck and Cavill are utterly awful. Batman fight scenes were long winded and atrocious. No Batman-ish vibe. Etc, etc.