
It was really fun to watch all of the Millennials arrive at tribal council last episode and just beam in awe at their surroundings. They were so genuinely excited to be playing the game. It was pretty fun!

I'm fine losing all the Annville-ians… but I'm going to be majorly bummed if DeBlanc is dead.

It would have been easy to find the pack. The map said "pack" and it was right next to one of like 12 trees on there. Obviously those are the important trees, otherwise Evans wouldn't have taken the time to draw them all out. Duh!

I think it'll be Andrew and Jimmy (as much as I want one of the girls to be in there too). They gave Jenna her gimmie since she's preformed well, but if she messes up again, they can't save her a second time.

Fantasia Yang is my new favorite character.