Kemosabe 2.0


When they give up the simplistic idea that the only way to be anti-owner is to overpay 3-5 players every year instead of stumping for higher salaries for all players, including minor leaguers.

When is Deadspin going to admit that signing high-priced free agents to long contracts North of 200 million doesn’t usually work that well in MLB?

Hot Take Alert:

100% agree

Somebody is going to get absolutely SMASHED in Divison II or III this weekend because of this play. It was cool, but if you’re looking for a way to make punt returns even more dangerous, this is it. 

Isn’t this the right move? We want player safety right? Yeah it was fun to watch but this type of play could inadvertently cause a punt returner to get absolutely wrecked when they are calling for a fair catch because no one wants to look like Arkansas.

Hot take, but they are right to ban this kind of play. With the targeting rules as they are in the NCAA, players are (as they should be) gun-shy about clobbering a dude just standing there defenseless. Hell, it might even be a personal foul even if it’s a live play -- the refs could just say he had given himself up.

The play was a risk for Brewer, leaving him wholly unshielded if anyone on the coverage team sniffed out the ruse and decided to plow into him at full speed.

Let’s start a GoFundMe account.

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Track: Telecaster Stripes | Artist: Polkadot Stingray | Album: Honenuki E.P.

The triple option is the most exciting offensive strategy in football and passes are boring.