Kemosabe Douglas

I identify as Christian, and it dismays me to no end how Christians seem to always feel that they’re under attack or being “discriminated against”. New flash: losing unearned privileges that you earned solely based upon your religious affiliation is not “discrimination” nor “persecution”. Not being able to use your

Wow, Christian persecution complex much? She is not being persecuted for being a Christian. She is being held in contempt for failure to follow a lawful ruling that granted marriage rights to same-sex couples.

Hey, some people don’t like blue cheese. That’s a fair and valid life choice. It takes a lot to get over eating what is obviously moldy cheese.

Gjetost, now...gotta get some of that. It’s cheese caramel. It’s amazing.

Whole green onions in sandwiches! Plus that «19-inch cock» hellgif this morning! Now I’ve seen everything.

Gun control and insurance and access issues aside, why are mental health checkups not a regular part of our encouraged health regimen? Like, you have to feel bad about your life if you don’t go to the dentist every 6 months, but we don’t care about checking to make sure that children aren’t depressed or homocidal or

Don’t know why we’d need this; I guess it’s just a sign of the times. So I for one welcome our feline overlords.

This is true but why refuse if you’ve got nothing to hide? And she was coming back from a Waka Flacka concert.... And she’s the type of person to get a barbie jeep and ride it around. I just don’t know, man.

She lost her license because she refused the breath test and her awesome parents took her car away.Her parents are the heroes here.

There’s a Tara in every college class. She never shuts up about how crazy she is.


They hired Benedict Cumberbatch to play Whitey’s brother Billy Bulger, which makes even less sense.

Technically, he’s got an argument. If he hadn’t been vaccinated as a child, he might’ve died from a preventable disease, in which case the crime would never have happened.

Vaccine side effects:

Anti-vaxxers will eat it up.

Don't worry Matthew, Jenny McCarthy is coming to save you.

I know you care about these tits but what about endangered boobies?

How do you misspell Brooklyn so badly?