John Kauderer

The Last of Us is a 7 out of 10 tops. It’s really not that clever, or fun for that matter. It’s super linear. There are times the only way to proceed is to kill everyone and everything. I didn’t find the story really all that interesting either, although there are some memorable moments. The very beginning sequence is

UFC guys seem to have something against dodging and blocking. The Lawler fight was basically two guys punching each other in the face until one fell over.

The Witcher 3 UI has been patched I believe. They are constantly making improvements, which is good because the UI had enormous potential for improvement. I saw patch notes where they addressed a lot of the menu issues like sorting, small fonts, and what not.

It doesn’t look that great, I have to agree. It kind of looks like they just used the old rigs and animations from THPS3. Making your own park is kind of cool. Also it doesn’t seem very hardcore. I didn’t see anything in there that made me think of actual skateboarding. If it plays like THPS2 then, all is good.

I hated Dorian. I barely used him on missions and any time I tried to talk to him he’d just sexually harass me. Yeah, awesome character.

I was hoping “alternate look for Triss” meant she was going to revert to the look from the Witcher 2. I prefer the older looking Triss model to the new one. She seems too young and kid like in the Witcher 3. Can’t get into it, gotta go with Yen.

I would just like to add that Tim Cain was for the most part, the visionary behind the first two Fallouts. He also worked on Vampire Masquerade: Bloodlines, and he worked on Pillars of Eternity. All four games are mentioned in this article yet his name is curiously absent. It’s interesting (sad) that Tim Cain isn’t

Shadow of Mordor made a great first impression but it didn’t really go anywhere. I kept hoping for some big pay off at the end. Maybe fight some Warg Riders, some Nazgul... but no.

fourth image from the top looks so Moebius!

The F-35’s nickname is lightning... which is kind of ironic since it isn’t very fast.... and it can’t fly in bad weather.

Half Life 3 gets announced, but it’s going to be a Kart racer... and Gordon Freeman isn’t in it. That’s how I feel about the new “Metroid”.

... Good point!

I’ve lost track of who shacked up and had whom. My dwellers are unhappy and heavily irradiated. The rampant inbreeding combined with high radiation has me hoping they will all turn into super mutants but I don’t think the game is that deep... yet.

That would make a good name for a song. Maybe a bit long, but oddly poignant. Now I want to make a Shenmue folk song. It will have to be in at least one of the three chords I can play well on the guitar. But... folk song. So... doable. Then I can play the same song at double speed on an electric guitar and turn it

Watching them play it looks like it could be fun. Nintendo almost always delivers on gameplay.

I would guess that Sega retained the rights to the first games. Still they can see there is demand for the product. Fingers crossed that HD remakes will someday be a reality. I would definitely play Shenmue I again.

Well there you have it then! I had hoped they would do something like that.... no truth be told I had hoped there was an insane reach goal where they would remaster both the previous games in glorious HD.

Looks cool, I’m going to download it right now. I like how they designed the vault. It reminds of the base in Xcom.

I do have a 360 lying around somewhere. Might have to look into getting a copy.

Beyond stoked for this but I never played Shenmue 2 so I’m worried I’ll be totally lost. That being said....