John Kauderer

I totally agree. I don’t like the art style of this game at all. Not very interested in co-op or multiplayer on the 3DS.

I rode an elevator with Michael Madsen once. Pretty sure he is the same person as his characters. He had Elvis shades on.

Looks pretty good. Awakenings was great. Personally I don’t care for the shitty 3D, I’d rather have the old 2D battle scenes. But that’s a minor thing. Hopefully they keep the gameplay as challenging as ever. If you figured out the Donnel thing, Awakenings could get pretty easy. Also, Kellam as assassin and not a

Finally the Metroid game nobody wanted or asked for. Clap... clap...

In Bravely Default you can turn enemy encounters off, which is sort of like skipping combat. Also you can set the game to play at 4x speed and auto play. Mostly because the game is an insane grindfest that makes you replay it four times.

Sounds like poor planning on his part. You should have a clear set of goals and be well on your way into production before you even launch your KS campaign.

Shin Chan has always looked pretty derpy. Maybe I’m missing the joke.

I was a senior in high school and the Legend of Zelda Link to the past came out a year or so before but I hadn’t played it for some reason. Since I was a senior I would get out of school an hour to two hours before my friends who were a year younger than me. So I decided to head over to blockbuster and rent the Zelda

Suddenly I feel compelled to do a kickstarter for a movie called “Retarded Wizard in the Forest”?

Agreed. The voice acting was good on GTAV for the most part. GTA IV... not so much. GTA IV was kind of a chore, just couldn’t get into it.

I can beat the arcade version with one life. The excellent Contra on DS has the original NES game as well as super C as unlockables. I got pretty bad ass at those as well. Contra gets pretty easy once you get the hang of it.

GTAV was great but in Vice City you were Ray Friggen Liotta. They never had nearly the level of voice talent they had on GTA 3 and GTA VC. I think Guru from Gang Starr was in it... And Gary Bussey... And Luis Guzman. Where the hell is Luis Guzman by the way?

Kind of amazing to see how far graphics still have to go to be “realistic”. We are much further away than I thought. Baby steps.

I kept wondering where those dudes got the Colt 45, they only had Miller Lite at the festival.

The cryo chambers obviously opened up by themselves after they were ejected from the great garbage avalanche of 2505!

There are no Sandra Reeds listed on Moby Games that have worked at Bethesda. Although there was a Sandy Reed who worked on a game in 1996. Also it doesn’t seem that there is a Sandra Reed with Games Biz experience on LinkedIn.

Seems a bit gratuitous, and the tone is rather juvenile. If it only plays once it could be forgiven. At least the video was produced well, good VO, nice title designs, well edited.

They all look like the busted alcoholic versions of celebrities.

The Witcher 3 is far superior to Skyrim and Dragon Age Inquisition. DAI looks so nice but it’s kind of like they just threw up their hands and gave up. You can get through DAI and fight only one dragon.

Ah so that’s what the Advent teaser site was all about then!