Sounds like the first guy has serious confidence issues. Then after that it seems like he hangs on in the hope that the girl will change her mind. This has happened exactly zero times since the dawn of man.
Sounds like the first guy has serious confidence issues. Then after that it seems like he hangs on in the hope that the girl will change her mind. This has happened exactly zero times since the dawn of man.
Holy radness!
I did the layout for the cover of the US release and I designed the CD. If memory serves I did the full back of box. Thanks for listing!
Not listing Ancient Art of War is basically a crime against all of gaming. Here's a few you missed.
I feel like there were no respawns in the original America's Army. I played that game quite a bit but the only thing I remember with great clarity was when I shot the drill sergeant and ended up in the brig.
How is this even possible? I know there will be rough edges but at this moment this thing is making me feel like Mass Effect was programmed by four (talented) peeps... in their free time. Wow. I am impressed.
I love these doom and gloom articles I really do. But here's a crazy idea. What if you do the same article, but about when things are going swimmingly. It would be nice to have a counter balance. Something like.
It's the perfect logo if your company designs tattoos for professional boxers... and male porn stars. In their defense maybe they designed this six years ago and just got around to finally producing it.
I really enjoyed Dead Space 2 but towards the end I got stuck on the sequence when you are on the tram and the Necromorphs are jumping in from the sides. I just kept running out of ammo and my previous save was so far back it just wasn't worth redoing.
I wonder how much detail from the scan they'd need to do an accurate looking recreation. There are cheap laser scanner kits you can get but some laser scanners are well over $100k. I understand how you get spacial data from the floating points off the laser scan but how do you get textures? Wouldn't someone need to…
I liked how they handled space in the first two Dead Space games. The first time I had to go out of the ship, it blew me away with how cool it was.
I love the crazy art style. Looks like a fun game.
Don't freak out but.... there's a city in Ireland called... Kilkenny. I've seen several dozen episodes of SP but I've never heard them make a joke about Killkenny... and it seems so obvious that it MUST have happened at least once.
As great as GTA V was... they seemed to have dropped the ball a bit. I can't see many people who beat GTA V at 80% or over really wanting to return to the same story for what mostly amounts to slightly better visuals. This was the perfect time to do something like Vice City or... they could have taken my idea and made…
Playing the Last of Us on PS4 and I gotta say... kind of disappointed. I had really high hopes, so it would be almost impossible to live up to what I thought the game would be. It's a very good looking game with great production values but I just can't really get into it. The stealth is kind of meh, the shooting not…
That's a big twinkie!
Love the sense of scale on some of these. The samurai giant is especially neat-o.