ah the bear jew. Perhaps one of the most disappointing moments in the history of film. Here I was thinking Tarantino would do something crazy and maybe have Evan Seinfeld from Biohazard roll out of that tunnel but no...and it's Eli Roth.
ah the bear jew. Perhaps one of the most disappointing moments in the history of film. Here I was thinking Tarantino would do something crazy and maybe have Evan Seinfeld from Biohazard roll out of that tunnel but no...and it's Eli Roth.
Too bad this game wasn't as great as the intro made it seem.
So underwhelmed it's overwhelming. I'll just chalk it up to me clearly not being part of the core demographic.
I'd change it to "people that THINK they are smarter than us". That seems to ring a little more true. Blindly following focus group data isn't intelligence. Force feeding your core something they didn't ask for and don't want isn't really that intelligent either. But how could they know? They had a focus group!!!!!
Nice job on that industrial design their guys... Decided to do it in house eh? Ahh who cares what a console looks like anyway!
This game is atmospheric, has generally good graphics, and it has it's moments... but anyone who gives it more than a 7/10 is either delusional or getting paid.
Maybe I can borrow a PS3 to play this. Looks like a fun game.
tastes like... FREEDOM!!!!
Did anyone ever play Outzone? I friggen loved that game but it was pretty rare.
I thought EDI wasn't playable until Mass Effect 3?
This is probably the only time in the history of the games biz that somebody actually wanted an ESRB rating on their game.
old games usually look horrible on HDTVs. Go with the tube TV. Preferably one with fake wood paneling that doubles as a table.
I have extremely vivid memories of the first time I saw Clash of the Titans and especially the Sinbad movies, I even remember what game we played the day they had a big Sinbad marathon on TV. Swords and Serpents on Intellivision, perhaps one of the greatest game ever made that has no ending.
He didn't leave, they just sent on him another fetch quest. Budumpsha. I'm here all week.
This makes me miss Front Mission. Why they don't make a Front Mission like X-Com Enemy Unknown is a mystery... a sad, sad mystery.
Ah such fond memories of that game.... and the cut scenes! I think I played it on a decent PC though.
People have been talking about the Ouya? You mean in a derogatory way I suppose?
I haven't really enjoyed or finished a GTA since Vice City, San Andreas had it's moments. GTA IV was boring and didn't really appeal to me aside from drunken car chases with cops. I thought a lot of the accents were poorly done and the writing in general was kind of meh especially compared to some of the earlier…
Those 5% are probably the most hardcore, most frequent, and most vocal players. This is why you want to be careful with focus group data, you may just focus your way out of your core gamers.
Noooooo way. That's the best part!