John Kauderer

Exaggeration of form is as old as art itself.

Ubisoft... I have a request. I didn't buy Far Cry 3... and I am the proud owner of a never connected 360. I would be more than happy to part with some of my hard earned latinum for a boxed version of Blood Dragon, I actually would box it Blood Dragon and be like comes with Far Cry 3 but I will leave that decision to

I had no idea there even was a new Grid coming out. Anyone know if they went more arcadey or if they leaned towards the sim direction? I thought the original Grid was a nice blend of the two, I could use maybe a little more challenge and realism this time.

I wonder how Nintendo will feel about this guy trying to make money off Nintendo's trademark imagery? I'm sure they'll just let it slide, that's the Nintendo way.

I was trying to remember the name of that game! It had potential but I think beyond tech there wasn't much there.


Oh my God there's a girl on the cover!!!! Quick somebody call up the marketing people at Naughty Dog and see if they can take credit for this too. Maybe we can get yet another riveting games biz or kotaku article out of it. I mean the Last of Us is the first time a girl has EVER appeared in a game or on a game cover

Was Grim Fandango racist? Nacho Libre? Speedy Gonzalez? I'm not the youngest dude in the world so I grew up at a time when just about every cartoon on TV had something offensive in it. Now a lot of that stuff has been banned and swept under the rug. Are we a less racist society because of it? I don't think so, I'm

There were days when I wondered if getting my 3DS was worth it... this is not one of those days.

Now playing

the game over screen for MGS was lifted from Major Havoc.

Thanks spoilertaku. Some of us watch this show on demand and are a week behind. I had Kelvin pegged to beat Samman who seems like a douchey know it all (it will be worth it to see him lose). Now I can guess that Hall beat Dylan (which isn't a surprise but still) you could have wrote this without spoiling anything but

"Gunmakers are compensated for the appearance of their brands as much as the NFL Players Association is paid for its members appearing in Madden."

the world needs another Fable game like the world needs a new Chris Brown album.

Looks kinda neato. Glad he didn't do the HALO movie which would have socked!

Seems to me like the last portion of the video might be a different game. It looks more like Rogue Squadron or maybe X Wing. Which I find more interesting than derivative shooter 10,400,769 set in the Star Wars universe...

I remember the neighboring college to mine had a show of Syd Meads work. I think I went to it five or six times. If memory serves he did a lot of his stuff in Guache which anyone who's ever used it knows is pretty hard core. Basically if anything gets wet it smudges away.

I played the original ending on my always offline 360. I didn't think the ending was THAT bad (Fable 3 holds the prize for one of the worst endings of all time IMHO). It was a little confusing on how things played out with who died and who didn't. I think I was more angry that even though my guy was paragon all the

THE HORSE ISN'T IN THE FINAL GAME!!!! WTF!!!!! this is an outrage!