I've used Game Maker. it's relatively easy. I had a maze game up and running first day and still had time to customize it pretty deeply. Never did make it all the way through the 1942 tutorial tho.
I've used Game Maker. it's relatively easy. I had a maze game up and running first day and still had time to customize it pretty deeply. Never did make it all the way through the 1942 tutorial tho.
Voxels were more popular back in the late 90s. I remember Delta Force used them and that game had a great draw distance for the time.
Always sad to hear about yet another studio closing. But Yo, Square Enix... maybe pick up Specter and put him on the Deus 2 team.... just saying. Also have some water in the game this time so the rebreather is more useful.
The price point is way off on here. How does a keyboard cost almost $200?I get that everyone is trying to get on the PC bandwagon with the big question of the consoles and flagging retail but... didn't the same thing happen a few years back and few years before that? I seem to remember a lot of bad gadgets coming out…
cool now I can play all those advanced hardcore Android games like.... um.... and ah... the.... well.... um.... At least I can play the same games I have on my high end PC but only in the same house in a quasi portable fashion... Sounds like a fantastic idea for a product, what could go wrong?
I'm old enough to remember the lame Snake Eyes nobody wanted. Then Storm Shadow came out and caused a firestorm so they redesigned him and gave him a wolf.
Cool. Never heard of this one. kinda looks like it might have been inspired by Brothers Quay.
I think I'm more bothered by the fact that they felt the need to include the zombie head in their logo. First off it makes the W hard to read. Secondly. Anything with a bloody Z is automatically assumed to be zombie related therefore the zombie head is redundant. But yes, I would agree this art is plagiarism for the…
glowing aliens.... really? suddenly I worry a great deal about this game.
I've heard so many mixed reviews on this game. I really didn't like the second one at all so I almost certainly going to give this a pass.
I was thinking the same thing. Maybe it's because I played as an archer almost exclusively.
Very nice but....Frank Frazetta called, he'd like his composition back... unless that's supposed to be an homage. In which case... carry on!
current interest level: 0 out of 10
Ocarina of Time the best in the series? I know people love that game but I gotta say HELL NO.
I enjoyed all three games but.... why don't they do a new IP?
a coworker was just telling me I need to play this game and it's really really good. I told him I thought AC2 sucked because it was just fetch this, fetch that. I might give it a try after I finish the ever growing pile of unfinished games in my living room.
she's not tiny. She's eensy beensy.
that first image is disturbingly twisted. Clap... Clap... Clap.... Bravo sir, bravo indeed!
I feel like I've seen turtles go faster.
this has fail written all over it. An ugly design meant for gamers and yet on the two humongous empty spaces to the left and right of the screen there's no control sticks or buttons or anything. So... why not just get a cooler looking phone at that point?