I'm curious if they returned the fun to this game or if you just get called by annoying people all day to do shit you don't really want to do?
I'm curious if they returned the fun to this game or if you just get called by annoying people all day to do shit you don't really want to do?
Deus Ex was excellent but I suppose you could credit Eidos with that. Square has a TON of IP it could do some really neat things with. I'm not going to name names but it doesn't rhyme with Schminal Schmantasy.
Halo is fun when it comes to multiplayer but I've always found the single player to be pretty basic by the numbers shooter stuff and not very compelling at all. I know, blasphemy! I'd buy a 360 for the Witcher 2 and a functioning Skyrim but then again, I already have one.
I have fond memories of the intellimouse. The sidewinder boomerang thing was also pretty cool. If I recall correctly it had motion sensors kinda like the six axis. I remember smashing one on the ground after losing an important playoff game in NHL. We played every game of the season only to eliminate each other in the…
I found this to be pretty disappointing. I loved all the Fire Emblems except for the 3D ones. Same goes for Castlevania. They should have done something like Shadow Complex for Castlevania. For Fire Emblem you could have the tactics part be 3d but the battles should be in 2d. It's like you swap half decent uninspired…
it's Spin dude. Spin hasn't been relevant since 1986. You should have seen their 100 greatest guitarists of all time. No Hendrix, no Clapton, no Angus Young etc... but they found a spot for Skrillex and Jam Master Jay. They're pretty much just troll hunters.
Games that SHOULD have Justin Bieber:
they should become a pan asian restaurant and change the name to Fukyu Bich Ho.
I thought Amazing Alex was pretty meh. It just never gets all that fun whereas Crayon Physics is fun from the get-go.
Nice use of autobevel and the world's most over used font. I hope that logo is FPO.
you have to play it to understand. even watching a friend play next to you is sort of scary but doable. Once you start playing it yourself it gets pretty freaky. I was screaming like a crazy person and am not normally affected by scary movies or games. I had to quit because I was too scared to walk into one of the…
RPGs definitely got their start (after table top) on PCs whether in the form of MUDDS or actual graphics based games. Wizardry and Ultima came out in 1981. The Bards tale in 1985, Pool of Radiance in 1988.
the logo resolution looks 8 bit but the colors are more 16 bit. Some of the buildings look like they could be rendered by the nes so that would be 8 bit. Atari 2600 and ZX spectrum were not 8 bit systems (NES/Sega Master). Things like this have been done to death and much better therefore... I'm labeling this one a…
I don't think Spector would be happy to hear it, but as I was reading I couldn't help but think how great a sequel to Human Revolution would be. I was never all that much of a fan of Mickey Mouse although Fantasia was pretty cool (mostly because of night on bald mountain). I sorta feel bad for him, I'm sure he…
anyone notice that Gangam style is essentially the same beat to pump up the jam? You can actually do the chorus straight over the song.
aliens infestation was the last game I bought for the DS (it was worth it). I might have to pick up the other layton one of these days, loved the first one.
yup. Savage was put together by a really small team as well. I think some of the guys from that team are working on Hawken but might be wrong. I know the guy that wrote the engine was doing a game called Project Offset that looked pretty neat techwise, not sure if it ever went anywhere. I actually thought this game…
GameStop is also dreary and boring. It's a game store that has all the sex appeal of a Kinkos. Mom and Pop shops are usually 1000x better. I usually try to go to Game Champ.
NYPD painted the last blue caprice white in 2000. It's safe to say this proves nothing aside from Rockstar having their cop cars painted the same way. It does however strongly suggest that Liberty City plays a roll in the game. LAPD have used black and white for some time I believe. The cop car on the topmost shot is…
I wonder how many people actually bought the iPad version? if it was HD and had new content it would be tempting.