John Kauderer

I'm pretty sure the NYPD switched to white even for the old crown vics quite some time ago. Granted GTA was never purely based in reality but it's usually pretty close. 2001 was a year when tons of stuff went down so it wouldn't be the worst choice. Also it could segue nicely out of San Andreas if it was in fact CJ

So you can clearly see palm trees in the top image. But the police cars in the other image look like Liberty City colors. Not only that but the police cars look dated, like from the 90s or early 2ks. The sports car looks like a Gallardo which wasn't out until 2004, but it's more likely based on the Murcielago which

I was reading this article thinking how insanely high that price point is. Then I saw $18 for tactics and I have to admit I thought about getting if only for the briefest of moments... until I remembered I don't have an iPad... and $18 is kinda steep...

I'd see ritorno dello jello.

looks great. putting it on the list.

no level editor is a bummer. I remember very clearly making tons of levels for this game. Pretty sure mine was in CGA.

I'd also included on this list Fire Emblem: Shadow Dragon, Contra 4, Trauma Center..... and Front Mission, even if it was a remake (because FM is awesome)

OK I'm a nerd who thinks about things waaay too much but... Did something happen that accelerated vegetation growth? Those trees would take at least 50-100 years to grow that big. So if that much time had passed.... why are humans still using helicopters? It seems like there's enough tech to make fancy cyber suits.

Um... maybe it's just me but... This game looks nothing like Scribblenauts.

hate to split hairs (I'm lying, I actually love to do that !) but this is more of a 16 bit game look than an 8 bit.

hate to split hairs (I'm lying, I actually love to do that !) but this is more of a 16 bit game look than an 8 bit.

I should play Dragons Dogma but I need to finish the Witcher 2. Which while I am at it, the Witcher 2 does not IMHO fall under the criticism of this article. And lastly. Doesn't Brian Leher say "what say you" All the time. Can he get some venom too? What say you? I say speak properly or at least in this centuries

My brother got the gold medal in Decathlon with a standard Atari 2600 controller. He did it by coming up with an ingenious idea. He took the circuit board under the stick that housed the four direction ports and nailed them to a wide board. Then he took the button and mounted that as well. Now he could play Decathlon

currently your aquarium has.... .... .... three seamen.... *cough*

I could have told you that five years ago and I've never been there. It's a city built on nothing and it will decay and collapse into nothing.... most likely within our lifetime.

so in this game you get into a helicopter that crashes into another helicopter, you die, and then the game is over?

yup yup. It's not JUST the graphics... the sheer amount of things on screen, the lack of load times, the amount of AI.... etc etc.

I like Bike Barons on the iPad, probably one of the worlds most blatant rip offs, but still a lot of fun.

I've actually seen it before but never ordered it. Once a japanese restuarant tried to trick me into ordering Kobe Beef. I was like doesn't that mean the steak is $95 and they were like YES! um I'll have the tempura I guess.