John Kauderer

looks more Udon than Rockwell.

what if your japanese hamburger was made with kobe beef?

I read it on Games Biz. He actually sounded much more supportive of volition.

I read the interview on gamesbiz this morning and he said no such thing. Link or it didn't happen.

Pretty sure the fake gamer up top is cheating and not shielding.

I got to play a bit of Ghost at E3 many moons ago. Daniel Kaiser even interviewed me. I thought the game was OK, a little meh maybe but not horrible by any stretch.

reminds me of a simpler time when they played music on the radio, they even played music on TV! and you could wash your dad's car to get $5 to ride your bike miles on a hot summer day to hit an arcade full of shady kids and bad ass games like Legend of Kage. Sure you'd blow your five dollars in about five minutes and

Not a fan of nickel and dime games. I'd pay $5 for a really good iOs game. $1 for a decent game and then another $1 for quality updates (or maybe less than quality updates, looking at you Angry Birds) At least Angry Birds gives you free shit all the time.

fear causes hesitation. and hesitation... causes your worst fears to come true.

Well yes and no. I'm less inclined to believe the Last of Us is running on the PS4 and am assuming it is for PS3. And the PS3 is "supposed" to be more powerful than the 360, maybe this is Sony trying to prove just that.

He runs a decent sized development studio so I can't really tell you his name. he made some compelling arguments about tech limitations that made me scratch my head a bit. But just because a tech demo is beyond what current gen can do doesn't necessarily mean it ISN'T meant to be optimized for current gen but it does

was hanging out with some industry peeps last night and one guy pointed out what he thought was proof that the footage shown for Watch Dogs and Last of Us were doing things impossible on current gen systems. I didn't really agree at first but he sort of won me over. If he totally won me over and the rest of the crew

Now playing

I really like the twin peaks intro. It has a creepy song and sets the tone nicely. I always thought amazing stories was pretty cool of an intro.

haha! it's a shame the show sucks so bad.

Rumor has it Watch Dogs is for a next gen system so... 2013 might be optimistic. Rumor also has the Last of Us as a next gen title. And rumor on top of that was there was a gag order on even mentioning anything next gen or any of the code words for the next systems at E3.

They also treat you like you're five years old.

The Senna era Marlboro is always a fave but I kinda like what Marussia is doing.

Is Breitbart supposed to look like a super gay bobblehead in this "painting" or is that "artistic" license talking.

pretty much! They also did something like this with Myth I think and Savage to some extent if memory serves... which it probably doesn't.

I came up with a solution (albeit not perfect) for Todd's problem way back in the oblivion days.