Queu death of video game industry in T minus....
Queu death of video game industry in T minus....
it's very Donkey Kong in style... says dude that clearly never played Crazy Climber.
you clearly have not put enough thought into this. *sarcasm*
I remember Amano wanted to show his art in NYC and make a big splash so he hired an expensive ad agency to come up with the worst ad campaign ever. People in New York laughed for the most part at these stupid giant posters that said "Think like Amano".
pretty sure the grid failure in 2003 was a hack by terrorists. There were reports from some of the engineers working to fix it that seemed to suggest this. Bush couldn't have another huge failure of domestic security on his hands after passing the bullshit patriot act and failing to protect the country like the…
it just seems like they're screaming HEY IT'S SOCIAL, SEE THE GIANT AVATARS! colored letters with your gamertag will do just fine thank you.
I would say it has everything I want out of a mech shooter but I see nothing about a salvage system. Having to kill a mech who wants you dead is one thing. Having to kill a mech and keep it relatively intact so you can salvage ammo and tech is another. Granted this game seems more in line with instant satisfaction FPS…
why'd they make the portraits so small. Surely they could have been larger. I'm thinking full screen.
I thought it looked OK. Nslick is right though, they all owe a lot to pitfall, which was inspired by Indiana Jones, which was in turn inspired by King Solomon's Mines. Respect to Montezuma's Revenge for doing something similar but still holding it's own.
I loved it... right up until the escort mission. I forget what I ended up playing instead. I played RE5 for awhile too, not sure why I didn't finish that one... maybe I did actually. hmmm.
I haven't finished a resident evil since RE2 but I might give it a whirl.
whoever chose the song for this trailer should be punched in the face repeatedly and summarily fired on the spot.
the Last of Us and Hawken are new. But I hear ya.
about time they started ripping off Uncharted... I mean Uncharted kinda ripped off tomb raider so fair is fair.
wow if these early trailers are to be believed the industry is in a shit state of affairs. Mindless Shooter 1, Mindless Shooter 2, Mindless Shooter 3... then you have Hawken and The Last of Us which both look good.
Jaw hits floor. Looks super fresh. Excellent trailer.
wondering who's idea it was to show live action and then follow up with not very impressive in game footage?
there should be a bud skin from Alien then.
Is the title yet another shot across the wide bow that is Michel Ancel? Could just be a coinkydink. David Cage is quickly becoming a favorite.
you put Drake in there and not Vazques..... Also you guys said this game happens between Aliens and Alien 3. so.... color me confused because all those dudes are dead according to your timeline, except for Hicks possibly.