I actually really liked 2 and 3, too many cut scenes of course. I was having a hard time taking out big boss at the end and then I'm pretty sure another game came out that took all of my attention away.
ah great tune. it's somewhat of a challenge to work with because it's much faster than most of the other tracks I play.
Oh I should also take the moment to recommend anyone with a DS and a love of Aliens should get Aliens Infestation. it's border-line excellent. A wee bit short, a wee bit uninspired but other than that a damn good aliens game.
I forgot they made an MGS HD for the 360 until I saw it at the store the other day. I sort of regret buying the Witcher 2 instead.
Get an emulator and have at it hoss.
My Earth 2 stars Clancy Brown, Tim Curry, and the girl from the Noxema commercials.
man that's more of a rip off than horse armor!
I usually upgrade my hotdogs with the 32x sauerkraut adapter but really that only works if you already downloaded the dijon mustard DLC. They don't tell you that shit in the manual.
the danger zone feels like kind of a rip off for .99 but those levels are challenging. I much prefer the Rovio approach than to the nickel and dime style of micro transactions in general. it was a little cheap that they include the danger zone on the global high scores but that definitely gave me incentive to buy. I…
star fox looked pretty good. it makes me a lot more interested in the next nintendo console just for the reason of seeing Nintendo IPs with modern graphics.
fracking brilliant!
the actor who plays him looks just like my friends kid so I feel a little bad talking so much shit about Carl. but not bad enough to stop.
Agreed. We can but hope.
5 reasons it's better than the show.
yo shuttle, why you all up in my shit. shhh easy girl shuttle gonna make you feel alirght.
Strange Brew.
kooo loooka loooka loo Koo Kooo.
I see your point. I guess because the way the rooftop sequence goes in the trailer made me think of mirrors edge. it looks like they jacked the design for the mask from the robot in Hardware which is yet another reason for them to have my money.
well his screens are all the same size, he has a guide post so everything is easy to line up and he has a robotic heater (or maybe UV?) to dry the inks out. so it would be pretty easy to make shirts in that factory at least, doing it on your own in small runs... different story.