so what your saying is it's basically Abe's-Bio-Deus-Messiah-Life-Thief-Edge 2. Sign me up.
so what your saying is it's basically Abe's-Bio-Deus-Messiah-Life-Thief-Edge 2. Sign me up.
the tet offensive was kind of fun but I hear ya. I won't play any of the MW or COD games until they come up with multiple objectives, branching dynamic storylines or really any valid reason to play aside from multiplayer with 8 year olds.
those must have been some desperate men. She looks like Samo Hung LOL!
you already put WAY more thought into it than they did. You're hired.
The nibblers are really good too. As are the salt free if you can find them. Tom Sturgis makes good pretzels too but they're hard to find. Herrs aren't too bad either.
"just enough room for one last quote" - A Bad Designer. Should read A Bad Project Manager. If it was up to the designer I'm sure it would be an image of batman and almost no text, maybe not even the logo, shit they'd probably want to get rid of the all the xbox brading and bugs too.
I find this almost as depressing as the article about the world's oldest intern that ended up at Double Fine.
Ruffles sour cream and cheddar. Fritos. Snyders of Hanover Sourdough Pretzels (has to be in the cardboard box!) Peanut M&Ms. Reeses Pieces. Lion Bar. Movie Theater popcorn. Aside from chips I don't really snack too much. If it weren't for a love of booze I'd probably be in awesome shape.
sniper elite came out on the ps2 quite a few years ago so you could probably pick it up for like $5. the core gameplay is sniping. You're given tasks to complete, like get to the top of the bell tower and protect the battalion but sometimes you get ambushed and need to use an smg. The graphics were horrible but the…
OFC is as offensive as it is hilarious.
oh man I forgot about die another day with the north korean guy with the diamonds in his face.
haha. starring Peter Sellers with screenplay written by Yu Suzuki. sign me up!
Hmm let's see. So many to count.
I thought Casino Royale (DC version) was pretty good. Conversely I felt like Quantum of Solace was the worst Bond film by far. He didn't do one clever spy thing the whole movie. It was just a stupid revenge story with a hot girl and one of the worst scripts in recent memory. Bond loses girl. Bond Angry. Bond Kill!!!!!
awesome game. I loved the little RC car thing. It was super fun to take out gaurds with that thing.
it's a javascript that is on a lot of websites. But the little video it reveals is admittedly quite awesome. You can get the script here and run for political office in France. []
yeah you gotta test out your stuff on the real deal. You can emulate and mock up to some degree but as soon as it's on the real device your like OMG this is so super broken. And then you fix it.
couldn't you just, oh I dunno take some screen grabs from Google Earth and draw stuff on top of them? I mean, I guess it's cool he rode his bike to do it and all.
Everywhere I go, in every video, I see the same holo Hoes. c'mon everybody now.
haha Queers of war. I'm still laughing. That reminds me of a vice article years ago where a guy modded quake 3 to include a character called Big Gay Eric or something to that effect. I guess "remember" might be too strong a word.