I mostly killed a controller just by playing shitloads of Fight Night.
I mostly killed a controller just by playing shitloads of Fight Night.
Not too long ago I replayed Super Metroid and was amazed at how well it stood the test of time. It was moody, atmospheric and engaging. I powered through it in only a few days enjoying every second. Well except for the time I fell in that pit and couldn't successfully wall jump out for 30 minutes.
You might not like Angry Birds. I love it.
cool another story about the most hated game designer in the biz. This guy annoys the invisible beard off my face.
I've seen fruit ninja being played but it just seems like you chop fruit real fast and that's pretty much it. This one seems like it has more game to it. Maybe I should play fruit ninja and stop being a hater but... I have 0 desire to ever do so.
Wes Cravens.
yeah I like to emphasize the z-ness of it all though.
start by growing a ginourmous beard. Then dress like a caveman.
sprechen zie awesome!
sounds like Rick (stuck in the closet longer than R Kelly) Santorum. don't vote for the man. Vote for the sleeveless caddy shack sweaters on the MAN!
I think because the character didn't react at first is what made it so odd. He's looks down and is like holy shizzz! I'm holding a rat! I had high hopes for this game since trailer 1.
what in blazes happens at :16 on the first trailer. he picks up a rat then throws it or something. It seems really bizarre and glitchy but mostly funny.
Crows are my favorite animals... no ravens are.. no crows.. no ravens... definitely ravens. Crows is ahight.
I think it's kind of awesome they tried to spam the results.
sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo... raaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaad. they should have used DeadMau5's version of the themesong.
oh no you can be gay in a game. noooo fire and brimstone. I say we keep focusing on stupid shit like this instead of trying to solve any real issues.
whenever I get Udon it's lukewarm and the noodles feel a bit slimy because they're so thick. Soba is better but I only really like it pan fried or Yaki-Soba. Soba soup tastes too healthy to me. So.... I'm voting for Ramen.
"War of the Roses is from Fat Shark, a Swedish studio located in the same country as the makers of Battlefield. " Would that country be Sweden by any chance?