John Kauderer

wow that is a lot of people! I think that's more people than the entire staff of Take 2 interactive and it's subsidiaries, shit maybe even globally. Not including developers of course. I might be wrong about that, just guessing. But still. 600 people, what the hell were they all working on?

Now playing

who cares, black people got Tiger Woods. For Shizzle.

I feel like control on an ipad isn't as horrible as it is on the iPhone and touch. I played a gears of war rip off that controlled pretty well. You can make the virtual controls much bigger on iPad which helps a lot.

there hasn't been a game even close to the feel of real snowboarding since the original 1080. unfortunately the tricks and scoring system were kind of stupid in that game. IE do a 360 and get 500 pts. Do a 360 over a house and land to rail slide on the lift.... get 500 pts.

Dude looks like Jonah Hill crossed with Adam Sessler with Ruby Rhos haircut.

I have a feeling he's not going to boycott the game.

I'm not going to play multilayer at all so it sounds like I could be in for a challenge.

I think the common thread for me with these two games is my total lack of desire to play either one of them.

I got 8 of 12 badges.

I've seen much better typography. Looks like he or she used Arial or Helvetica which is often the first and last choice of the naive designer. Also the best of these types of images usually use the type to fill or create the image. These are by and large unimpressive and maybe even a little lazy.

I never got into psychonauts because the art direction wasn't really my cup of tea. I watched coworkers play and thought it was decent but even the humor felt a bit flat.

Now playing

how about Ninja Kid? I actually had Jeep Jamboree for I have no idea why. It wasn't horrible.

I think you mean this tech demo that came in a box made me so mad.

jackal is great!

I did too but I felt like they took the easy way out on a lot of the gameplay, you couldn't really fail and your actions seemed all scripted. It would have been way better with rotating perps (like Clue) and they should have ripped phoenix wright off more.

you sir are a champion of all that is just and fair! I hope this game makes tons of money.

I have a friend who works for Zynga... he does marketing.

haha! he really has an amazing voice and he's handy with copy machines too!

haha it must be him! just the guy you want around should the dead feel the need to rise.

wow really nice stuff. To have an image be simultaneously photo real and sketchy is impressive. His gesture drawings are also incredible.