nice skanky star tattoos. Girl on the right looks like she has crystal meth for blood.
nice skanky star tattoos. Girl on the right looks like she has crystal meth for blood.
I am really really glad that A) I don't work for THQ and B) that uDraw was not my idea.
I looked at the photos which were great. Then I saw this guy went to the same school as me and read that he's seven years younger. I haven't done shit!!!! I'm impressed-depressed-jealous.
wow what a bad ass. Yeah I was a successful animator. Then I went and joined the NYPD. Now I'm a wartime photographer / jet pilot / back up singer for THE Michael Bolton. OK I made up that last part.
Human excess. it has human right there in the title. then he compares it to where? Vegas. Vegas is known for architecture? I guess that's why the call it sin city. Because it's a sin to make a giant pyramid or a fake statue of liberty. I think it's a shit comparison.
I played Oblivion on PC. I used a shitload of mods. My fave was blood alchemy which made being a vampire a lot less of a pain in the ass. the LOD mod was great too.
"The principality in the United Arab Emirates holds monuments to human excess that make Las Vegas seem tame in comparison. "
Pretty cool. I wonder if it will allow for modders to create new enemy types?
they were super powerful in D&D too. I really need to get Dark Souls.
I thought Afrikaans was closer to Dutch and was brought to the country by the Dutch (white) settlers? That being said, for racist accuracy it should say "might be" or "probably aren't" instead of "are".
I'm a huge fan of the EOTB series so this looks interesting. They should give you a compass icon too. That was a life saver in EOTB you'd be like wait, why am I facing south all of a sudden? three cheers for illusion traps.
the setting looks kinda Maine coast Stephen Kingish.
Can't wait to pick this up! I may even finally be done with Skyrim when it comes out.
I played this at an event earlier last year and it was good fun. If I had a 3DS this would be a must buy.
he sounds a smidge like Toby Turner.
the kacho approves.
you should just said it's all about the benjamins. We'd understand. Just put a black square over your logo like Google did.
I listen to a little bit of everything, I just despise ryan seacrest lab grown payola pop.
they broke up yo. go get her tiger.