
I thought it was just me with regards to how Star looks very ‘dead like’ without makeup. It’s like he’s literally been drained of all bodily fluids. His skin has all these blue-black discolorations. I’ve often wondered if it’s illness, drugs or a combination thereof...

Aside from being racist trash/an all-around terrible person, Jeffree Star always looks so terrible that I’m baffled anyone would want to emulate...that. “Reanimated corpse” would seriously be too complimentary.

Stress of planning a wedding fractures their relationship. I kid, I kid. (kinda)

I thought the official story at the time, which was put about because Jolie&Pitt had been very vocal about not getting married until marriage rights were extended to everyone who wanted them but then they did it anyway, was that the kids pressured them into it.

But her mommager told her to break up for ratings, so she did.

This was ding dong the brand is dead. It could of been iconic... 

I normally wouldn’t feel bad at all for someone who married into that family (we choose our choices), but I have to say that I do feel bad for her given the non-stop racism and having horrible family members being so shameless about wanting to exploit her in public.

THIS is what I wanted from the first big show after the monster died.  A 100% departure from anything Lagerfeld would have ever sent down the runway. Sort of a “Ding dong the witch is dead” collection.  This was not that.

Ha yeah the racist customer service is something I’ve experienced at LV. But hey, it could have been the universe telling me to gtfo since I can’t afford it anyway.

I’ve heard some os of the high end departments stores haven’t started to cater to Asian customers that are traveling. The ones that are still afloat but one that haven’t aren’t doing so great. This means only taking Visa MC and AmEX rather than taking credit cards from Asian banks. Plus their racist customer service.

To be fair, the family she tried to kill was still supporting her financially after they went to Canada, so it’s not like they just straight-up abandoned her. 

It’s also not a town.

I’m going to go ahead and guess you’ve never been to Toh’num. Storybook location, it is not.

But time makes you bolder

I think that attitude is OK as long as it’s immediately followed with “ a result, I’m going to get a second opinion from a qualified and respected expert in the field”. Skepticism is fine as long as it bends to consensus expert opinion.

Wait, is this a thing? I once had a 15-year-old boy in my summer school class who made me feel uneasy for some reason I couldn’t put my finger on, and he turned out to be a 22-year-old Ukrainian national who’d overstayed his visa and was paying some family to “adopt” him. He’s now in prison on a bunch of charges.

I have a friend who’s a champ at calling me regular-style and then sneakily switches over to video halfway through to show me something and IT DRIVES ME INSANE!!! I’ll only accept a FaceTime call if I have some time to mentally prepare first, I hate being “on” physically for a call.

He wanted to be an Iron Man

When the Queen tried to get Margaret to not marry Armstrong-Jones, I really hoped that the conversation went more like “I’m telling you this because you’re my sister and I love you. He’s a degenerate and you’ll be miserable.” The way it was portrayed on The Crown made me really mad at the Queen.

He died like he lived: drifting aimlessly wherever the current took him.”