
or Katrina or Maria or... the list goes on. As the creator has said, while there are reasons this particular story could have only happened in the Soviet system, the toxic features of that system are present everywhere and show up in massive failures around the world throughout human history. Naked self-interest, the

Katrina is also a good option.

I mean, is nobody picking up that their first sexual encounter was via a fight/fighting game? They’ve associated their sexual relationship in fighting...

Russia should just make a series called Flint.

Mock gladiator fights sound a bit TOO much like ancient Rome for my liking...

Besides the potential for many husbands, nah. I can't believe anyone saw that in her because she just seems very flat to me. Liz was intriguing. 

Well, Jost is an idiot. But good luck, maybe it’ll work this time.

Danny and Jon both run to the Throne and try to sit on it at the same time.  The both fall off and end up sitting the floor.  Danny smiles, says “Oh, you...”, Jon shrugs and smiles, then the theme from Growing Pains plays.  Fin.

Aaaaah! Someone point me to the spoilers so I can read what happens but never watch this scary movie.

Not to mention being cruel to Brienne just because the writers could. Create happiness to destroy it. They could have had the same ending with him just sneaking off after the ice zombies dropped.

Honestly maybe even worst served than Dany’s arc was Jaime’s.

What in the seven hells was Jaime’s plan? Did he seriously want to run back to Cersei, even when it was clear she hired a hitman to kill him? The framing of their death being tragic was really weird.

I still dont understand how the whole town didnt commit mass suicide after Obama was elected if they “arent ready” for a black councilman.

I can only imagine that their Bible is the KKKing James Version.

I think you need to break apart fundamentalists further, because while I am not one myself, i know many and they are at varying degrees of authentic and genuine christ followers. The problem with many fundamentalist groups within Christianity (as well as a problem for people in general) is that there’s too much group

Middle East? And he was a Jew? #NotMyJesus”

The funny thing is there are interracial and cross-cultural marriages all throughout the Bible...

Christians are suppose to be Christ-like and I don’t believe that Christ believes interracial marriage is wrong. Per chance that he did, the Bible would have mentioned something about it. Just because you are a Christian and believe something, does not make it a Christian belief. 

Its in no way a Christian belief and VERY MUCH not biblical, even Moses was in an interracial marriage, there is literally nothing discouraging interracial marriage in the Bible, only white trash people who like to pretend that their massively wrong grasp on the Bible justifies hatred.

I don’t believe that’s a Christian belief and definitely not biblical.

Hire through Nepotism and Racism through this hick town.