LOL I’m reading the wikipedia entry now.
LOL I’m reading the wikipedia entry now.
She’s not on the board anymore, she doesn’t fundraise, she’s not involved.
She also was NOT on the board while being SoS.
Bill says the day she gets elected he will removed himself from the board and stop fundraising.
They will change the name of the organization and no longer take foreign donations.…
the theory would be that they could use the foundation’s money to steer jobs or contracts to other people in exchange for...whatever
Regardless of which side of the issue you’re on, why does nobody ever mention Trump’s business and the unquestionable conflict of interest it creates?
Why are there no screaming headlines calling for shuttering the Trump Foundation, which actually does exist and does fuck all except launder money? Where are the concern troll articles about that?
Why is everybody ignoring the option to put it in a blind trust if she wins? They can keep the foundation open with someone else at the helm for the duration of her presidency, and she doesn't get to see who the donors are until after she's out of office.
What? GTFO with that nonsense, WaPo.
What also pisses me off is that he was on Bill Maher recently, and he was making all these really good points, and I sat there thinking, OK, maybe this guy can come back from that other thing, because clearly he’s a smart guy and really could make an impact in New York politics.
At some point it’s a mental illness thing. There’s clearly something wrong with him and he apparently can’t help himself.
He could’ve been Mayor of New York. Very easily, in fact. But dick pics were more important. And now he’s lost an amazing woman, and his son’s life will be impacted forever. Because dick pics were more important.
But haven’t you heard? If he doesn’t win, it’s RIGGED, RIGGED, RIGGED. Eyeroll forever.
I’m not certain you actually have any options. Death via kebab-stabbing may be the best thing in the long run for everyone in the family. You MUST do this.
Chant loser, loser, loser back at him. Then in November ask him how it feels to have picked the losing side.
A certain in-law’s response to anyone questioning his presidential choice is interrupting them and chanting “TRUMP! TRUMP! TRUMP!” loudly and at length.
That’s a pretty stupid conclusion to draw. She accepted that public speaking money because that was her job and her main source of income at the time. If someone offers you money to give a speech, you take that money and give the speech. There’s no conflict of interest because she wasn’t consulting them on anything.
+1 Clinton Global Initiative and Clinton Fund are two charities doing what charities do - taking in money and spending that on impoverished people.
Exactly. The Clinton Foundation is objectively a well-run charitable organization putting its funds to good use. The optics of it are entirely separate from the fact that it’s actually helping people who need help.
Regardless, he’s so indiscreet that I can’t figure out why she doesn’t leave him for not learning that lesson. It’s one thing to be open. It’s another to be a liability. Also, sending a dick pic with your child in the frame is fucked up beyond measure.