
@Arken: Or go the DCAU route and have her fight Hades. And that goes back to my original premise. For a movie, WW can and would need to fight the gods, Clash of the Titans style. And why not? I would love to see a kick-ass female go up against the ultimate old boy network.

Ugh. WW is better served in a movie. Not every superhero needs to be brought down to earth.

@Alizarin: Why is James Roday not a movie superhero yet? The Flash? Plastic Man? Booster Gold?

My question is "Who's never heard of him?" He's been covered in every depiction of Batman (comic, TV, movies) in recent history. I guess if you only know Batman from movies, then this would make sense, as he was a third rate henchman in one of the movies.

I came to Android from WebOS and I it seems like my Evo needs so much more attention than the Pre. It takes a bit longer to swipe to apps, I have to worry more about killing background processes, and it always seems like I have to tweak this or adjust that to get the right experience out of my phone. I love my Evo's

...or you can read the emails and fit your response to them into your schedule. Just because you read it, doesn't mean you have to respond to it immediately. I will look at emails, tag some as Unread for response later, or flag it as a task with a deadline. I rarely respond to them right away, especially if I haven't

The only way WW would be made into a movie is if Angelina Jolie was in it. It would take star power to overcome all of the objections and Angelina is the only actress capable of pulling audiences in. You may not like that choice, but many people will.

I wonder if the "rises" in the title refers to Batman coming back from being broken (literally and otherwise) by Bane?

@Canon7D-Fanboy: Probably because he's busy filming another rom-com.

(I will not make a Night Man joke. I will not make a Night Man joke)

Netflix should pick up the remaining episodes and offer them as a streaming option. Throw in some "limited commercial interruption" sponsorship even to defray the costs. It would be a small price to pay on the part of the consumer for original content. This could be the start of a "Brilliant But Cancelled" category

Real Name:Michael Sorrentino

@phoghat: Yeah, yeah I know. Honestly, I don't care that much either way. Just gimme some Spidey on the big screen.

@Spifferiferfied: And that's the thing. It seems like extra steps need to be taken to explain this the mechanical shooters away. With organics, it simple-it came with the mutation. The only thing to explain however is the inevitable "Well, wouldn't the web shoot out of his butt?"

I get that Peter's a genius and all, but the logistics don't make sense for mechanical shooters. Where does he have the resources to make and maintain the shooters?

Now playing

I still prefer the first costume from the wrestling scene in Spidey 1. Now that's how a teenager would do it.

Nokia's magical return to the US!

@AlmightyRenegade: This comment reads like 1896 equivalent of "That was 'Shopped!"