
@Fauxcused: If Usain Bolt was being chased by a sabretooth tiger (or whatever was a big predator at that time), I bet he would have beat even his record.

Another candidate for Android app of the day-Rocket Bunnies

@ringer81: "But there is so much more interesting stuff that could be done while utilizing actual scientific realities"

Do you know how boring sci-fi movies would be if everything was 100% accurate? Movies need some pew pew.

The Event-doesn't anyone care about this show? Is it any good? I saw a little bit of the first episode, thought "I'm not getting involved in this" and turned it off.

Where have we seen this before? Oh that's right, on Gizmodo's sister site, io9, back in 2008:

The Last Airbender was probably the biggest disappointment of 2010. What happened? Personally I think that it was just too big of a movie for M Night and ego can only take you so far. I would welcome a reboot of this franchise with different actors who can act and a new director.

@Byers: Your comment seems to be the knee-jerk reaction alot of people have when Christianity is mentioned in a movie "Oh noes, they're trying to convert me!" If you paid attention, the movie was more about the power of religion than the power of Christianity and how that power can be used for evil. I'm not saying

@samarkand: Exactly! Why was everyone talking about how deep this movie was. It really wasn't! And most of the criticism of this movie. I'm no genius but seriously people, Inception wasn't that deep.

@Batmanuel: They dealt with it on BSG and there was no backlash then.

@zenmaster24: Is this the first time you've seen sarcasm?

@TheAlmanac: I give them a pass for predicting that we'd still be sending faxes (but from the beach!)

@Trystero: They basically extended the phonebooth concept in many of their ideas with kiosks for ordering tickets, getting books, etc.

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AT&T did a much better job at predicting the future than this:

I'm surprised that "disaster" wasn't a common password for io9ers

I know her character is unavailable, but Storm needs her own movie.