
It's amazing how the more pictures you see, the more it looks like they're reaching in order to carry this meme.

@thePrototype: don't forget his trusty sidekick, Bieber.

Chris Evans: "Look at me. This is my serious face."

The lack of full Zune integration amazes and frustrates me. I have a Zune HD and an XBox 360. Buying a Windows Phone 7 could be an awesome trifecta, but not if they're halfway connected. MS is missing the potential here, just like they did with Zune.

@stalking_goat: You're not understanding the difference between TDS/Colbert and MoveOn. MoveOn is an advocacy group. They are trying to get people to vote. TDS and Colbert are TV shows. They're main purpose is to entertain while making observations on what's going on in the world. What works for one (TDS/Colbert)

@blalien: I'm not willing to give up just yet. I may be idealistic, but I still think that there are enough sane people out there.

@athodyd: I know that the issues are serious, and it seems that they believe them too. My issue is with their method of communication. Cuteness and cheap laughs aren't going to get more people to the voting booths.

@stalking_goat: TDS and Colbert are not advocacy groups, they're satire. Big difference.

So is Earth One DC's version of the Ultimate universe?

Whatever happened to Pixel Qi? Not necessarily for the Nook, but in general. It's available, but it doesn't seem to have been widely adopted yet.

I'd rather be presented with facts, not hyberbole, thank you.

@Zuldim: The opening montage was actually pretty cool. It's just that song!

@reallyquitetired: I'd promote you if I could for actually bringing up the correct phrase, which is much different than the snap judgement of saying that money is evil.

@Loonm: You're right. My bad. You really think 64 GB is too much though? It sounds about right to me.

I'm an office drone and if this runs MS Office products and browsers smoothly, I'd be cool with it. Throw in OneNote and a wireless keyboard and it gets even better. For business, I don't want an iPad, which still has to be tethered to another computer. I can see something like the replacing both my office laptop and

@Loonm: Because MS Office documents don't take up that much space, maybe? I just looked at my office laptop and I haven't even hit 50 GB of space, and I have alot of unneeded files on it.

@randomguy26: Asphalt 5, Raging Thunder 2, Need for Speed Undercover, Driver, Speed Forge are some worth mentioning in the racing category.

@jabber: I've had my eye on them for awhile now. From the early reviews, it seems like they learned their lessons from the mess that was the Archos 7 Home Tablet. They're also coming in at around the $275-$400 range.

"Oprah's typical studio audience is, to put it politely, not exactly a core Xbox demographic"